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  •   Written by the director himself, the story revolves around an “absent” hero: an astronaut lost in the emptiness of space. His absence is spoken about indirectly here, from planet Earth. He was the nation’s son, loved and admired by all. But he’s primarily always on the mind of his little sister Elsa, who’s the real “fully present” heroine in this story. Elsa has lived her life and her childhood by proxy, sustaining herself off the dreams and ambitions of her older brother and hero. He was her point of reference and her daily inspiration. While he floats around, somewhere up there, in the ether, Elsa also drifts, right here on Earth…
  • A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.
  •   Avery is an unadventurous schoolteacher whose sister secretly signs her up for The Great Holiday Dash, a Christmas-themed reality competition show where she's paired with former hockey player Wes. Despite clashing at first, Avery's puzzle-solving skills and Wes' physical prowess help them excel as they travel from city to city and compete in festive feats that have a local flavor. It's not long before a real connection between these opposites begins to blossom. But when Avery overhears a conversation between Wes and a show producer it threatens to derail their budding romance. Keeping their eyes on the prize, the duo continues to dash to the finish line but there may be a more personal adventure for them still in store.
  • 富婆、老公、养女、小白脸四个人的混乱情感,互相都有一腿的故事。看看假妈在这个剧里的演绎完全不一样的人设!原本庄严肃穆的场合,给爱妻擦汗看似羡煞旁人的爱情,却掉出了别的女人的丁字裤是一不小心,还是刻意为之?
  • 这部片可以是加了幽默的《Akira》,添了人情味的《RoadRunner》,动画版的《低俗小说》(Pulp Fiction)。一个关于一对新婚夫妇在新婚之夜发生的温馨故事。丈夫格兰特(Grant)突然得到奇异的超自然力量,与此同时妻子凯丽(Kerry)窘于应付。无论何时,只要Grant一想什么,就会变为现实,尽管他并不知道这些魔力来自哪里。他从此成为清谈节目的风云人物。拉森·扎尔斯(Larson Giles),笑笑公司(Smile Corp.)老总,一个Ted Turner型媒体巨头,派遣他的私家军团,由粗暴但无脑的菲古森(Ferguson)上校率领,去绑架格兰特,以便霸占全球媒体收视率。接下来就是电影史上最暴力和奇怪的对战之一。除了多个足以开罪所有人的极端暴力画面,还有曾被称为“电影中有史以来出现的最怪异和滑稽的性场面”。