搜索 Kali

  • 四个生活在英国的穆斯林青年:奥马尔(Riz Ahmed 饰)、白人巴里(Nigel Lindsay 饰)、瓦伊以及费萨尔正在用一只玩具枪做道具拍摄圣战视频,献身圣战是他们狂热的梦想。奥马尔厌倦了巴里那吃电话卡避免被追踪的无厘头理论,与瓦伊远赴巴基斯坦的穆斯林游击战士训练营学习,奥马尔和瓦伊的苦逼训练生活很快因为误打战友而终止了;留在英国的巴里物色同志,找到了在公开场合质疑英国时政的阿拉伯青年哈桑,一起和使用变声大法收集过氧化剂制造炸弹的费萨尔研制炸弹。回国的奥马尔谎称接到制作炸弹的任务,将其他人置于自己的控制下。费萨尔由于失手被炸身亡,剩下的四名穆斯林战士将目标锁定在伦敦马拉松上……
  •   以民谣和神话的风格来重现马克·夏加尔之谜。影片并不是为了创造一个夏加尔的形象,而是试图通过传说和故事来通过银屏来呈现他变化莫测的创造力。
  • 莱娜在父亲的阴影下每天过著地狱般的生活,她唯一来往的对象是旅馆同事穆法塔斯,莱娜从未答应但也没拒绝他的追求,痛苦的莱娜只想挣脱生活中的恶性循环;在城市的另一端,有位技师正为他刚过世的妻子哀伤,一只装有他妻子衣物的行李箱,竟出其不意地改变莱娜的命运…  Because of her father's inappropriate behavior, Zeynep, a hotel housekeeper, spends hellish nights. The only person with whom she has a relationship is Mustafa, a young man who works in the same hotel and who is interested in Zeynep. Zeynep is trying to escape from the vicious circle in which she finds herself. In another part of the city, Selcuk, a sound technician, is struggling with the guilt he feels over the recent death of his wife. The suitcase that contains Selcuk's wife's clothes will change Zeynep's fate in a most unexpected manner.
  • 莎莎,一位美丽的年轻摄影师,发现她的情人,一个成功的艺术家,被谋杀了。警察怀疑她,凶手们想让她安静下来。当她试图解决这个秘密的时候,她开始四处奔跑。
  •   Emi is a young ambitious girl who has been dreaming about a big world for years. Whenever an opportunity arises, she jumps into its modes without hesitation, becoming an exclusive escort. Soon it is she who, at the invitation of Arab sheikhs, begins to recruit Polish misses, celebrities, screen stars and models. However, this inaccessible, luxurious world will soon show its dark side .