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  • 本片是以法兰克福和科隆为背景的罪案惊悚片,罗伯特是一名卧底缉毒警察,为了摧毁大型贩毒集团他不得不假装与跨性别女孩莱妮交往。但本身是男同性恋的罗伯特对性事感到异常艰难,对莱妮他既排斥又被她吸引。问题是,一旦穿帮他要赔上的将是自己的性命。
  • 本剧改编自同名小说,讲述了新闻记者道上香苗(水川麻美 饰)为了揭露年轻的政治家清家一郎(樱井翔 饰)与支持他的秘书铃木俊哉(玉山铁二 饰)两人的奇妙秘密关系,开始探寻他们不为人知的过去。并且,她知道了清家在成为政治家的过程中发生了几起可疑的死亡事故,这些事故似乎都是与清家有关的人所为,但新的事实和人物不断浮出水面。此外,这与道上父亲的意外死亡也有联系...
  • Bull mysteriously returns home after a 10 year absence to seek revenge on those who double crossed him all those years ago.
  •   Fifteen years after a summer romance, destiny comes calling for two star-crossed lovers. Zoe and Luke almost shared their first kiss at Camp Pine Lake, but they were interrupted, and their teenage romance ended. Now, Luke (Barry Watson) is a philanthropic entrepreneur who recently purchased his uncle’s Camp Pine Lake for sentimental reasons, only to find out the camp may get shut down for safety code violations. Zoe (Mia Kirshner) is the point person from a firm assigned to convince the new camp owner to sell his land. When Zoe arrives , she is stunned to learn that Luke is the new owner. Everything changes for Zoe when she realizes Luke isn’t interested in making a profit, but instead wants the camp to stay open. When she's cornered by her boss, Zoe agrees to use her friendship with Luke to their advantage. Will the two be able to overcome the deception to rekindle their old flame and save their childhood retreat at the same time?
  • 贡坡(普提查·克瑟辛 Put Puttichai 饰)怎么也没有想到,自己的父亲会在临终前更改遗嘱,将巨额的遗产留给了一个名叫楠能(Lily Pansirithanachote 饰)的陌生少女。愤怒的贡坡决心亲手夺回本该属于他的东西,无论使用怎样的手段。   贡坡向楠能展开了热情的攻势,只要楠能能够成为她的妻子,那么贡坡就能够名正言顺的收回她那一份财产。然而,楠能和贡坡见过的大多数女孩不同,她是如此的纯洁,正直和善良。最终,楠能还是被贡坡吸引了,没过多久,两人决心步入婚礼的殿堂,就在这个节骨眼上,楠能的母亲发现了贡坡的阴谋,楠能的心碎了。直到这时,贡坡才发现,自己早已经真的爱上了楠能。