- The dream of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever before. In fact, many scientists think that the first person to set foot on the Red Planet is alive today. But where should the first explorers visit when they get there? Horizon has gathered the world's leading experts on Mars and asked them: where would they go, if they got the chance - and what would they need to surviv...
- 20世纪30年代的西班牙,一种奇怪病症在孩子中间蔓延,感染此症的孩子没有汗腺,不会流泪,毫无痛感。为防止进一步的危害,当权者将患病儿童隔离关入修道院,彻底剥夺了他们的自由。囚禁在方寸间的男孩班尼诺(IliasStothart饰)为隔壁的歌声吸引,他通过挖出的小洞和女孩伊涅丝(LiahO’Prey饰)成为好朋友。这群可怜的孩子必须通过独特的方式学习“疼痛”。当代的西班牙,医生戴维(àlexBrendemühl饰)驱车途中发生严重车祸,妻子安娜丝(IreneMontalà饰)命归黄泉,腹中才6个月的孩子却得以幸免。暂时逃过鬼门关的戴维随后获知自己已患有致命的淋巴癌,生命不知何时终结。为了得到骨髓移植,戴维不得不求助于年迈的父母,却得知了一个深藏已久的秘密……