搜索 Ernö

  • 一个不道德的假释官(狄龙饰)欠下了当地黑帮头目的债务,被迫在12小时内完成一系列危险的毒品抢劫行动,以偿还他所欠的200万美元,同时解救他被绑架的怀孕妻子,并与该市腐败的警察局长(威利斯饰)算账,后者与该黑帮头目合作,多年前曾出卖过假释官。
  • An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowing revenge. It comes in the form of the gang-rape of a young mute (Heather) and her older sister (Brenda) starts hunting the gang in turn - armed with bear traps and crossbow. A teenage vigilante seeks revenge on a group of violent thugs who raped her handicapped sister and killed her best friend.
  •   This powerful western starring Peter Facinelli (Twilight franchise) shows what happens when you push a good man too far. Britt MacMasters, a U.S. Marshal, returns from a mission to find his father (Tom Skerritt) wounded and his son, Chad, kidnapped by the outlaw Jed Blake. Hot on their trail, Britt forms a posse with a gunslinging deputy and a stoic Pawnee tracker. But both Jed and Britt tread dangerously close to the Red Desert’s Sioux territory, which poses a menace far greater than either can imagine.
  • 腰缠万贯的法国富豪阿兰(费尔南多·雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)手上运作着全球最大的海洛因走私网,警方多番追踪仍无法将其落网,卧底警察也被残忍杀害。而在另一头的纽约城,侦探道尔(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和鲁索(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)还在酒吧中与当地贩毒分子交锋,浑然不知阿兰正在计划将一笔3200万美元的海洛因走私入美国。然而没过多久,在一次跟踪行动中,道尔和鲁索很快发现了可疑人物与贩毒网之间的关系,一场与贩毒团伙斗智斗勇的险恶持久战就此拉开。道尔和鲁索这对互相看不顺眼的搭档,究竟能想出多少计谋,躲过多少暗箭,最后又能否一举破获这起来自法国的大规模贩毒案呢?   本片根据罗宾·摩尔(Robin Moore)的真人真事作品改编,并获得第44届奥斯卡金像奖最佳电影、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑奖。...
  •   A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. They return to Earth in the year 2447. Complications ensue.