- Struggling to fit in in her new school and reeling from the fallout of her parent’s recent divorce, lonely LA high schooler Jane falls in with a rambunctious crowd, and becomes smitten with their charming drug supplier, Jamie. Jane’s thrilling, new, drug-fueled popularity soon spirals downward into the dark and ugly, her family helpless to pull her out of a world she’s reluctant to leave.
- 该片发生在美丽的密歇根安娜堡大学,讲述了一群失意受挫的学者们如何投身于一场市级冷知识竞答锦标赛的故事。 由Christopher Gorham饰演的Paul Tarson是一位冷知识奇才,颇有些小聪明,但是在面临一些重大人生抉择的时候,却总是稍显白痴。影片中,他和他的朋友们毅然投身于一场在全市范围内展开的酒吧冷知识竞答锦标赛。这是迄今为止他们人生中面临的最大挑战,然而结局是令人欣喜的,他们最终赢得了啤酒,收获了爱情,摆脱了百无一用是书生的窘境。但是当Paul爱上了他的一名学生的时候,他才恍然发觉那些曾经看似微小的事情远比他预想的要重要的多。这一次,面对人生的重大抉择,他又该何去何从呢? (文:深影字幕组@馒头)
- After years of being forced to live their mother's aspirations, Amber and Sam Bradshaw are offered an opportunity to chase their own dream of becoming musicians. Upon this quest, a family tragedy strikes. In the wake of this tragedy, they discover that it is their dreams that hold the family together.