搜索 Alvin

  • 为了生存,肯尼(Eric Jacobus 饰)下定决心去医治因十五年前母亲的去世而导致自闭症的弟弟马克(Nathan Hoskins 饰),想要新生活的肯尼希望一切都慢慢好起来。只是没有想到,弟弟再次陷入“黑暗恶势力”的陷阱里,兄弟两个再次被推倒了恶魔的世界,他们可以寻找到真实的自己开始新生活吗?
  • A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad mood. One day she wakes up late in the afternoon and asks to be taken to land where everyone had gone earlier. Gennarino sets up a boat but during the trip, the boat breaks down. They...
  • 在ITV三集新剧《创伤》中,工厂经理Dan Bowker(John Simms)和创伤科医生Jon Allerton(Adrian Lester)是两位父亲,Dan的15岁儿子Alex被人捅伤,在伦敦市中心一所医院的创伤病房里不治身亡。Dan将儿子的死怪罪到当时担任急救医生的Jon身上,发誓要讨回公道,他的行为将彻底改变两人的命运。该剧的核心是阶级矛盾:Dan是个普通人,他坚信自己如果更有钱,儿子就不会遭此横祸。与此同时,他看到儿子的手术医生Jon开车豪车,女儿在私立贵族学校上学,心理更加不平衡。Rowena King扮演Jon的妻子Lisa Allerton,一个事业成功的精神病医生。Jade Anouka扮演Allerton夫妇的女儿Alana,今年18岁。Lyndsey Marshal扮演Dan的妻子Susie Bowker,是个辛勤工作的蓝领...
  • A sleep study goes awry when participants start to go missing.