搜索 丹尼·

  • El Rey頻道(拉美觀眾,西班牙語為主的新頻道)在觀察了3周後,今天續訂了他們根據同名電影改編的首個英語劇集殺出個黎明第二季。新季將比首季加碼,共13集
  •   Gracie and Pedro are family pets with nothing in common. Gracie is a snobby, purebred pooch who considers herself "Best in Show", while Pedro is a brazen, rescue cat, preferring his dinner fresh from the trash. After the family undertakes a big move, Gracie and Pedro's brawling destroys the airport baggage carousel, leaving the pets lost and stranded without their collars in a frightening and unknown world. What lies between the pets and reunification with their family is a daunting quest, packed with colorful characters and perilous adventures that forces Gracie and Pedro to accept what they have in common -- they won't quit on family. Meanwhile, Sophie and Gavin, the family kids, are not giving up on them either, posting a song about their lost pets which just happens to go viral. This raucous family film will be a reminder that friendship is not only life's greatest reward, but also its most awesome adventure.
  • 西部小镇腐败保守,佳人历劫好梦难留,单枪匹马快意恩仇,血与泪之后,斜阳照见天涯尽处的温柔。有情人邂逅于旧金山,她坚毅独立,他情深义重,移居宁静小镇开展新生,岂料南北战争爆发,他远赴战场,有财有势的富家子却乘虚而入恃势凌人。维高摩天臣自编自导自演兼监制及作曲,非线性叙事扭转传统西部片的硬朗阳刚,在无法无天的世道绽放坚韧不拔的情花,在豪情盖天的人间渗入女性主义色彩,加上维基嘉莉丝风姿绰约的动人演出,使角色散发迷人光芒。
  •   退役军人 杰·阿格尼霍特里 是个正直善良的人,他目睹过太多的不幸,为了帮助人们,他发起了一个理念“【不要说谢谢,而是要去帮助3个人,再告诉这3个人,去帮助另外3个人,同时教他们也这么做 】  一次偶然,杰 惹恼了内政部长帮派中的小混混,小混混报复未果,又请老大出面( 达斯拉·辛格的女婿 ),后来 杰 杀死了达斯拉·辛格的女婿,便演变成了 杰 与 达斯拉·辛格 之间的战争  当然故事中穿插着一些喜剧、爱情、亲情成分
  • 内容描述苏联发生政变时,叛变者控制了一个核子飞弹基地,威胁要攻击美国。美国政府急命阿拉巴马号核子潜艇准备反攻,但就在是否要下达攻击令的关键时刻,潜艇的通讯系统发生故障,无法判断攻击令的真伪。哈克曼饰演的潜艇指挥官决定发射,但新来的副官华盛顿却认为事关重大,应确定讯息再说,不惜为此发动兵变囚禁上司。