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  • Sailor Johannes Blom returns to his home port, after seven years at sea, to find that Sally, the girl he has been thinking of while away, is completely despondent. Seven years earlier, obstreperous Alexander Blom, brings his mistress Sally to live with him, his wife Alice, son Johannes, and crew, aboard the salvage boat he captains. Amidst all the tensions on the small boat, Johannes and Sally fall in love with each other. Written by Will Gilbert
  • 来自非洲象牙海岸的单亲妈妈萝丝带着两个儿子让和欧吉斯特搬到了巴黎郊区。从80年代到如今,这个家庭经历了组建和分解,跨越时空,一同寻回亲情和记忆。影片分三个篇章来讲述母子三十年间的成长经历,分别从妈妈、大儿子和小儿子的视角切入这个普通家庭努力融入异乡生活背后的种种艰辛。   萝丝希望给孩子最好的生活,对个人价值也有所追求,在平衡自我和家庭时却常常感到力不从心,融入当地主流社会的努力有时也得不到孩子们的理解;哥哥让到了青春期,父爱的缺失也让他不知如何处理自己的感情,逐渐封闭自己;弟弟欧吉斯特在成长过程中目睹家庭的变化,对哥哥被送走的决定深感失望,成年后他选择独自生活,但内心却依然孤独。
  • 卢迪(凯内尔·穆德卢佐 Kornél Mundruczó 饰)从小就成长在孤儿院中,他刚一出生就被父母无情的抛弃了,从来都没有感受过亲情的滋味。17岁时,对父母的思念在卢迪的内心里愈演愈烈,他决定动身去寻找他们的踪迹。但很快,残酷的现实就让卢迪知道,他的存在对于他的亲人们来说或许并非一件好事。  一次偶然中,卢迪得到了一次试镜的机会。导演被卢迪身上所散发出来的阴郁气质深深的吸引了,认为他就是扮演自己电影里角色的不二人选。可是造化弄人,导演并不知道,眼前的这个年轻人,正是他早些年间抛弃的儿子。
  • In the dead of winter, a musician travels to a remote cottage to work on new material but soon finds herself under attack from a mysterious dark presence.
  •   Set in Nigeria, Oloture is the story of a young, naive Nigerian journalist who goes undercover to expose the shady underworld of human trafficking. Unused to this brutal environment, crawling with ruthless traders and pimps, Oloture finds warmth and friendship with Blessing, Linda and Beauty, the prostitutes she lives with. However, she gets drawn into their lifestyle and finds it difficult to cope. In her quest to uncover the truth, she pays the ultimate price - one that takes her to the verge of no return.