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  • 17岁的生日派对,24小时的人性大观,在热辣辣的派对,泳池见证了成长。Henry 生日派对前一晚,好友Gabe来过夜,两人无所不谈,谈性说爱,Henry 会否对Gabe动心?生日派对的早上,Henry 的牧师爸爸开始煮早餐,妈妈开始预备,姐姐也回家参加派对。下午,包括爸爸的教会朋友、Henry 的同学和教友,还有一直暗恋亨利的卢根等更多来宾, 都齐集于泳池派对之中。入夜过后,这班青少年和各怀秘密的成年人,将要面对真正的自己。2011年香港同志影展参展作《孩子本色》导演再次探讨信仰和爱慾的关係,信者有冇得救?
  • 蟹堡王毗邻本店的二号店即将开张了!海绵宝宝满心期待,以为分店经理一职非自己莫属,然而蟹老板却以他不够成熟为理由,将分店交给章鱼哥打理。同时看着蟹堡王做大的痞老板再出毒计,他偷走了海王星国王的王冠,并嫁祸蟹老板,盛怒的海王星要处死蟹老板,但为了拿回王冠,给忠诚的海绵宝宝和派大星六天时间,让他们去无人能够生还的贝壳城取回王冠。而痞老板得逞后偷走了蟹老板的蟹黄堡配方,生意迅速大热,他趁机把能够操纵思想的头盔赠送给顾客们,要通过控制海洋生物称霸世界。另一面,海绵宝宝和派大星踏上了无厘头又凶险万分的寻冠之路,前往传说中独眼巨人栖息的贝壳城……
  •   这是一个令人难以忘怀的美丽和不寻常的故事。它发生在1890年,艾瑞斯的艺术家母亲因为要开一个月的画展离开斯德哥尔摩的那个夏天,她将女儿送往在芬兰群岛的一个叔叔那里。小艾瑞斯对这里的一切充满了好奇,她尝试着和新的朋友一起玩耍。在这里,她逐渐忘掉了母亲不带她一起去巴黎的不开心,而是慢慢发现了友谊的乐趣。
  • It is a great film by a great director.Kira Muratova has never been given her due in the Soviet and post-Soviet Russia.In the Long Good Bye she depicts a seemingly banal story of a jealous and possessive mother (brilliantly acted by Zinaida Sharko) and her poor aloof and lonely son (the only cinematic role by the talented O. Vladimirsky). The story - which is nothing extraordinary in itself - grows into the wonderful and frightening analysis of alienation between genders and generations on the background of the even more frighteningly bleak and dehumanized Soviet reality.Kira Muratova shows the tiny details of everyday Soviet life,and, again , banal as they are ,they are a hair-raising horror.The dialogue is deliberately laconic and void of any sense, showing the ever-growing people's inability to communicate and understand each other.The sound track ( by another under-estimated talent, Oleg Karavaichuk)adds to the atmosphere of hopeless and meaningless existence.Of course,Sasha (the name of the protagonist),will leave his despotic ( but loving!) mother sooner or later, but where for (c)
  • 巴希娅是一个活跃于法国政坛的右翼人士,她年轻外向,作事主断而果敢,为了她的事业发展,甚至可以和政治对手上床。通常情况下,她都能游刃有余地处理感情与事业问题,直到她遇上一个40岁的厨师马丁,狂热地追求她……