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  •   Chicago book editor Sarah heads back to her Amish family farm. With the help of a handsome local outsider, Dean, a friend of the Amish, they hope to save her family's bakery.
  •   Explores the iconic actor's journey to stardom through his relationships with his mother and four wives, including Lauren Bacall, using rare footage and his own narration to offer an intimate portrait of a deserving star.
  •   It’s year 2147, men are sterile due to a virus leaving humankind almost extinct and Tania, a biologist, is trying to inseminate herself to prevent this with the help of an AI system called VIDA (voice by Paz Vega, reminiscent of MOON or of course 2001). Things take a turn when Azarias, one of the last men and a traveller with a dark past, suddenly appears.
  •   Beyond the vacation, below deck, cruise ships house thousands of crew members from all over the world, living and working together at sea for months at a time. Journey into their hidden world, and discover the lives of the people who call these travelling metal cities home.
  •   Arok是一个反银行金融体系激进组织的首领。早年间,在他当兵期间他的妻子因参与金融的买卖被骗而自杀,孩子也在之后因病去世,巨大的打击让他对腐败的金融体系产生仇恨,于是他召集了有类似经历的人一起反击。他们在雅加达放置了13颗炸弹要求印尼反恐局支付100比特币。紧急情况下,反恐局集合所有资源逮捕了该国最大加密货币交易所的创始人威廉和奥斯卡,却发现这件事他们并不知情。而在支付了比特币后,炸弹还是接连爆炸。于是,威廉和奥斯卡被要求通过技术手段追踪Arok等人。在破解后,他人深入对方窝点见到了Arok,发现此人之前参加过威廉组织的研讨会,且Arok认为加密的虚拟货币才应该取代现有的金融体系,所以他选择用爆炸的方式逼迫国家改变,且不顾平民百姓的生命。面对丧心病狂的Arok,威廉两人和反恐局齐头并进,使出全身解数最终阻止了Arok保住了财产和国家的安定。