搜索 ben

  • 不再年轻的拳击手拉蒙认识强悍的年轻女拳击手黛博拉后,再度恢复活力。俩人难以抑制的激情却让他为此抛弃身边的每一个人。
  • 1774年,法国大革命前几年,波茨坦和柏林之间的某个地方……杜马瓦尔夫人,特西斯公爵和万德公爵,被路易十六清教朝廷驱逐的浪荡女,向传说中的沃尔兴公爵寻求支持。沃尔兴公爵是一个从德国来的引诱者和自由思想者,在这个伪善和虚伪统治的国家里,他只身一人。他们的使命是:向德国输出自由主义,一种基于拒绝道德和权威的启蒙哲学,但最重要的是,找到一个安全的地方继续他们误入歧途的游戏。
  •   奈杰尔(休•格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)陷入了七年之痒的婚姻中。他和妻子菲奥纳(克里斯汀•斯科特•托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas饰)决定乘坐游轮前往印度旅游,尝试改变糟糕的关系。船上,他遇见了瘫痪作家奥斯卡(彼德•考约特 Peter Coyote 饰)和他的美艳妻子咪咪(埃玛纽埃尔•塞纳 Emmanuelle Seigner饰)。奥斯卡似乎要把他和咪咪之间的异常关系告诉陌生人奈杰尔。  奥斯卡认识咪咪之初,两人爱得死去活来,情欲之火熊熊燃烧。然而咪咪摄人的魅力只让奥斯卡着迷了一段不长的时间。他开始厌倦,尽管咪咪为了他堕胎、割除子宫、对他一往情深,奥斯卡还是残忍的把她支走。一场车祸后,躺在医院的奥斯卡却赫然发现,咪咪就站在他的病床前,怒不可遏的把他拖下病床,奥斯卡终身残废。  他们继续生活在一处。咪咪从来没停止过对奥斯卡的虐待,二人却还相爱。当咪咪遇上菲奥纳,心中燃起了奇妙的爱火,二人相拥而舞。最后,奥斯卡却对着咪咪扣下了扳机。
  •   After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner
  • Netflix新动画系列《恶魔城:夜之城》正式开拍。该剧由制作人凯文·科尔德(Kevin Kolde)和主创/编剧克莱夫·布拉德利(Clive Bradley)领导,由Project 51 Productions制作,由Powerhouse Animation提供制作服务。恶魔城:夜曲讲述了里克特的故事,他是贝尔蒙特家族的后裔,在标志性的《夜之交响曲》和……