搜索 Kri

  • 四位金盆洗手的杀手,遇上一个正经八百的警察,他们发现对方正拼命想逮到一名狡诈的杀人凶手,四人于是决定重出江湖。
  • Young nun Colleen is avoiding all contact from her family, returning to her childhood home in Asheville NC, she finds her old room exactly how she left it painted black and covered in gothmetal posters.
  • Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their exploits and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure. Their producer gives them 48 hours to restore their image, otherwise they will be fired. The more the duo tries to get by, the more they accumulate blunders, as during the funeral of Quentin's grandmother.
  • 漫画家少女平日纵情烟酒一夜情,派对来者不拒,恣意快活的人生竟遭老天开了个大玩笑。连月以来令她下盘渐宽的暴饮暴食,竟是身体里的另一个小生命在分食;崩溃的心灵还来不及接受事实,就得为了搞清楚父亲是谁回想自己的约炮史。满腹的怨念化为她笔下的忍者宝宝,画着画着,宝宝竟跃然纸上想要跟她聊聊,试图扭转自己出生后的命运??。   女生难为,除了得夺回子宫自主权,更痛的领悟是生产后就得负担起一辈子的母亲义务!媲美《鸿孕当头》的挪威轻喜剧,以自由少女的写意人生为主题,直球切入生育议题,透过卡通式的活泼动画呈现母子想像对话,轻松又深刻地映照当代少女的生命难题。
  • 本片以伪纪录片的形式,重现了某知名能量饮料厂商的一次失败的病毒营销推广,搞笑至极又讽刺异常。为了避免法律麻烦,影片中将能量饮料的品牌名换成了“DRIB”,但一切看似荒诞的情节却都真实发生了。“DRIB”的市场团队请因挨打而在youtube走红的阿米尔为他们拍摄一只广告。他们请来了专业拳击手来和阿米尔对打,结果却令他们大跌眼镜。