搜索 Ku

  • A stranger who turns up at a resort hotel in midwinter, behaves rudely towards other guests and disappears the next day. Found half-frozen in the snow he is taken to hospital where his story is gradually revealed.
  • [致命录像带]系列将推出第四部![致命录像带]第四部定名为[致命录像带94](V/H/S 94,暂译)。首批公布的导演包括西蒙·巴雷特([致命录像带2])、提莫·塔哈亚托([嗜人之夜])、Chloe Okuno。大卫·布鲁克纳担任编剧及制片人。该片将为系列首部以单一、流畅的叙述形式呈现,且每个部分都相互关联的作品。
  • 眼尖的他發現:那幅畫作應是出自俄國大師列賓之手...  住在赫爾辛基畫的商奧拉維,總將藝術與工作視為第一,甚至因此忽略了家庭和親人。在退休前的一場拍賣會上,一幅塵封的畫作,意外吸引了奧拉維的注意。他眼尖發現:那幅畫作應該是出自俄國現實主義大師列賓(Ilya Repin)之手!奈何畫作上並未署名,加上拍賣目錄資料無多,致使價格低落、乏人問津...。    嗅到商機的奧拉維,決定在退休前再幹最後一筆交易,只要證實該畫確屬列賓真跡,立刻價值連城,他就能從中大撈一筆...。此時,奧拉維多年不見的女兒蕾拉突然出現,拜託他代為照顧15歲的孫子奧多。為避免打草驚蛇,奧拉維於是叫奧多去調查畫作背景,自己則四處借貸購畫的資金。    奧多查出該畫作確實為列賓所繪,此時資金借貸到位的奧拉維,決定要孤注一擲。但讓他最感納悶的是:列賓為何要匿名作畫?而這幅未署名的畫作,又如何能證據出...
  • Two men encounter each other on a dangerous gay cruising park trail, and quickly find themselves caught up in a deadly game of cat and mouse.
  •   Six dads gather in rural Oklahoma for a weekend fishing trip. As the men cast their rods into the river, share their catch over dinner, and swap stories beside the bonfire, we learn what has brought them to this scenic idyll: the love for their trans and LGBTQ children, their fears for their children's safety, and the urgency to fight for the ground on which they all stand. The Dads is a quiet meditation on fatherhood, brotherhood and manhood amid the changing American landscape.