搜索 Ham

  •   一颗陨石从天而降,汪汪队基地惨遭破坏,因祸得福的是,汪汪队通过陨石获得了超能力!变成超能狗狗!能随心飞的天天、有飞毛腿的阿奇、是万人迷的灰灰、会霹雳火的毛毛、成大力士的小砾、不怕风浪的路马……莱德队长还给汪汪队升级了全新的装备,并招募汪汪预备队的三只小狗,共同保护冒险湾!但与此同时,一位邪恶的科学家也盯上了陨石中的超能力,她联合了汪汪队的死对头海丁那市长,试图夺取汪汪队的超能力,并让更多的陨石撞上地球!汪汪队集体出动,勇敢狗狗,不怕困难!汪汪队能否再次拯救世界?
  • 1956年奈及利亞的奧洛伊比里村莊被發現有石油,為村民帶來生活的繁榮與就業機會。在結束最後一次鑽探後的二十年裡,奧村的河流、空氣、土壤遭受到重度的汙染,村民也紛紛致癌,村長提米普對於當初鼓勵大家積極參與石油開採感到悔恨。當美國新進石油開採公司弗蕭,正慶祝即將在此重啟的油井,將帶來巨額的收入時。當地的激進分子阿火率領組織、密謀計畫,將對貪婪的商人進行報復…精彩的电影。政治惊悚片,探讨了一些基于事实的问题,涉及腐败和贪婪以及西方如何承担部分责任。背景是真实的。这个故事以尼日利亚为背景,看起来很接近在外景拍摄。尼日利亚的一个小村庄没有饮用水、可持续农业和渔业,只有一种资源:石油。这个故事取材于真实事件;由于石油公司的贪婪,武装分子和政府之间发生了暴力破坏,这在整个全球石油工业中产生了连锁反应。
  • A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair.
  •   The story of Crypto Boy kicks off in Amsterdam East, where young deliveryman Amir dreams of a better future but gets no further than delivering orders for Burrito, his father Omar's outdated Mexican restaurant. Meanwhile, their neighbourhood is in the midst of complete gentrification. Convenience stores are being replaced by trendy coffee bars, sushi shops and fitness studios – and much to Amir's frustration, his stubborn father is ignoring all his ideas for modernising Burrito. On the other hand, Omar sees his son as an irresponsible idler who isn't capable of taking over the restaurant.  When a large real-estate company buys up the block and doubles the rent, father and son are at odds and in danger of losing the restaurant, and their home, for good. But when Amir ends up at a meetup with a charismatic young crypto entrepreneur, he sees a way to solve all their problems. Determined to show his father what he is worth, Amir loses himself in the rapidly growing crypto start-up while Omar watches with suspicion as his son drifts further away.
  • 漫威正在开发D+剧集《暗夜狼人》。项目的制作代号是"Buzz Cut",暂计划2022年2月开拍,上线Disney+开播。   “暗夜狼人”本名杰克·罗素,古老家庭诅咒的受害者,他一直在自己的兽性中争取自我,随着时间的推移,杰克终于战胜了心中的恶魔。也在打击威胁地球的黑暗势力。他是正义的使者,阴影的复仇者,他是暗夜狼人。