- 法国巴黎,垃圾堆街,老鼠猖獗。它们个头很大,一周内老鼠咬人事件已发生3次。医院收治了在泳池被老鼠咬伤的病人,除鼠工保罗也被凶猛的老鼠咬伤,头晕出汗住进了医院;走失的小猫掉入垃圾桶后被老鼠吃得只剩骨头了。老鼠繁殖能力惊人,它们的老巢竟然是——医院实验室一处潮湿温暖的废旧仓库。老鼠从这里四处出击,咬伤人数越来越多。医生用激素把老鼠汇集到游泳池,准备出动军队消灭老鼠,有病毒抗体小白鼠也将被消灭……致病的老鼠并没被完全消灭,远处,新的一窝老鼠又出生了……
- When Ivy discovers the school bathroom is haunted, Bean helps Ivy to harness her witchlike powers. With the help of their classmates, Ivy and Bean orchestrate a ritual that will free the ghosts, save the school and also mess up Nancy’s day.
- Ivy and Bean are ecstatic to sign up for ballet class until they realize there will be no sword fighting, kicking or “dancing to the death” allowed in class. When Bean’s parents won’t let her quit, Ivy agrees to stick it out with Bean through the big dance festival performance.