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  • A street smart party girl gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out by masquerading as a Nun.
  • 故事发生在70年代的宝莱坞,奥姆(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一位大红大紫的演员,一次拍戏中,向来天不怕地不怕的他发现自己居然害怕火。在熊熊燃烧的火焰之前,奥姆想起了自己前世的记忆。   原来,奥姆的前世是一位名不见经传的小演员,他深深的迷恋着当时的当红女星沙堤(迪皮卡·帕杜科内 Deepika Padukone 饰),一次意外中,他从烈火中救出了身陷险境的沙堤。之后沙堤与一名编剧相恋,没想到编剧并非善类,他不仅残酷的玩弄了沙堤,还导致了奥姆前世的死亡。回忆起了这一切的奥姆决定寻找沙堤今生的转世,茫茫人海之中,奥姆的愿望能够成真吗?他和沙堤之间又能否再续前缘呢?
  • 丹尼斯·卡伟罗在父亲去世后留下的遗物中发现了爷爷黑罗尼姆的日记,上面记载着爷爷在二战中发现了一处宝藏并成为欧洲首富,宝藏的线索就在当地博物馆展出的爷爷的马靴中。他带着侄子科内尔、侄子的两个好友麦克斯和塞浦里安以及半路加入的孩子们的保姆一同踏上了寻宝之旅。与此同时,得到宝藏消息的两个盗贼也跟着他们一起上路。追寻着日记中留下的线索,他们锁定了老家普乌图斯克的旧房子,而历经波折他们才发现靴子正跟着丹尼斯另一个侄子罗琦在巡演。两个盗贼得到消息后抢先得到靴子,但靴子中的线索却阴差阳错地被烧毁。就在大家绝望的关头,麦克斯找到了线索,大家重新燃起寻宝斗志,终于找到藏宝图中的那棵大树。众人发现所谓的宝藏只是树干上刻着的爷爷奶奶的名字。经过一番思索,他们终于明白黑罗尼姆爷爷留给家族宝藏的真正含义:经历战争磨砺的爱情和幸福的家庭是这个世界上最宝贵的财富。
  • Ray 'Harley' Davidson is a hustler. With flash clothes and a fast mouth, Harley lives life in the fast lane. With his passion for all things gambling, money runs like water through Harley's hands and as quickly as he makes a killing he takes a beating, normally at the poker table. Nominally an illegal prize-fight manager, Harley hasn't produced a live one in months, until Charles Buchinsky literally wanders into his life. Charles Buchinsky, street fighter extraordinaire. He's from out of town looking for a fight and the chance to tie up a few loose ends. Keeps himself to himself, lets his fists do the talking and his word is his bond. Victor Maitland, top illegal fight promoter and porn baron. Hates losing and loves the prestige of managing the best hitter in town. Harley dreams of bringing Maitland down and after seeing Buchinsky at work, engineers a fragile partnership...
  • 职业大盗里奇运气欠佳,盗窃出了问题,他是唯一的生还者,里奇被只有无奈地接受惩罚,他被派到俄罗斯偷取在莫斯科摩天大厦顶层房子的贵重古董,可事情开始时已经不大顺利,在抢劫期间,里奇和俄罗斯搭档更被警察困在空置的13楼,他们唯有胁持人质…