搜索 苏

  • “It is a film from an extended series. It is hard to say who is the main character of “The Soviet Elegy.” There are more than a hundred faces of our compatriots. But, of course, it is not by chance that it is the destiny of a famous political figure, Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, that bears a special accent in the film. Though he got to power following quite typical ways, his uncommon character puts him out of the ordinary, and in the author’s opinion it may be determined by his uncommon human nature. Our hero exists within the tragic pattern of the soviet socialist life. He is a character of a drama, of which he is one of the authors. “The Soviet Elegy” can hardly be called a documentary film in the proper sense. Of course, the author guarantees the accuracy of chronology, but he insists on an artistic mode of thinking, not on a political or historical investigation.”
  • 记述苏芬战争前线几个普通芬兰士兵的经历,以此告诉人们,弱国芬兰敢于抵抗俄国红军侵略的精神力量究竟来自何处?    Russia attacked Finland in late November 1939. This film tells the story of a Finnish platoon of reservists from the municipality of Kauhava in the province of PohjanmaaOsttrobottnia who leave their homes and go to war. The film focuses on the farmer brothers Martti and Paavo Hakala.
  • 苏贾莎(哑巴)与苏非(苏非教徒)的爱情故事
  •   尽管阿黛勒(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)已为人母,但她的个性却并不能用“成熟稳重”一词来形容,住在老家威斯康辛的她受不了这里无聊闭塞的生活,在她的梦想里,位于洛杉矶的贝弗利山庄才是她真正的归属。身为阿黛勒的女儿,戳破老妈的白日美梦成为了安(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)每日必做的功课,和这样一个个性乖僻的母亲住在一起,安的生活并不轻松。  终于,阿黛勒的梦想已经不仅仅是一个梦想了,她决定将梦想变为现实。就这样,不顾安的阻止,阿黛勒带着安踏上了自己的追梦之旅,在旅途中,接踵而至的意外和麻烦逐渐让阿黛勒意识到了现实和梦想之间的巨大鸿沟,与此同时,安也开始明白,能够大胆追逐梦想的人生才有意义。
  • 经过连年征伐,一代帝王明成祖朱棣(王心刚 饰)御驾亲征,平定西北,所向披靡。班师回朝途中,朱棣途中否决了锦衣卫指挥使纪纲荡平南洋十五国的建议,决定休养生息,与民为安。他遵从先帝的教诲,打算遣使修好。适逢此前苏禄国王(维克 饰)有意亲自来上邦朝见。与此同时,苏禄国正在修造大船,准备如期出航,谁知部落酋长阿尤布心怀不轨,事事掣肘。国王不为所动,排除万难带着王子向中国前进。历经千难万险,苏禄使团终于抵达中国。只不过世代和好的道路上还有许多的考验,两个一国之君将携手守护那来之不易的友谊与和平……©豆瓣