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  • A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work as a single photographer and have captured their imagery in the Kink magazine, a very personal photography fanzine with an essentially Mediterranean homoerotic aesthetic. Paco and Manolo’s style can ...
  • 你看过属于美国空军最大规模的红旗演习场面吗?你知道红旗演习时战斗机如何进行空中加油?还有来自各国的战斗机飞行员如何援救同伴?以及红旗演习时模拟轰炸的计画如何执行?在Imax剧场新上映的“飞行战士:红旗演习影片里,你可以找到答案!   **最真实的模拟演习红旗演习是世界上第一个大规模整合进行的空中模拟空战演习,同时还是知名度最高、最受敬重、而且也是参与过飞行员所认为最具真实感的模拟演习。红旗演习于1975年美国空军为提升其飞行员空战技能而创立,因为越战中显示大部分的战损都是缺乏经验的飞行员在他们最初几次任务中就损失了。在作战的压力下,也没办法将他们对如何在空战中生存加以集训。这个概念由Richard Suter上校提出,而由Robert Dixon将军实现。在红旗演习极为逼真的训练环境下,菜鸟飞行员逐渐学习在战场上的生存之道。红旗演习每年在奈里斯空军基地举...
  • 美国纽约的闹市街头,野猫“猫老大”比格韦格和他的朋友们整日游手好闲,混吃混喝,虽然时常受到警察以及恶犬的威胁,但是自由自在,逍遥无比。警员中贝罗警官是猫老大他们唯一的朋友,“警匪”双方相安无事,直到某天,猫老大为了从某王公手中骗取红宝石而大闹音乐会,令贝罗警官非常懊恼。与此同时,警局出现人事变动,前任警长卸职,其义子——长相丑陋、人品恶劣却自号“英俊”的家伙接任警长之职。他极端崇拜科技,上任当天便遣退了除贝罗外的所有警员,大肆任用机器警察,在城市各个角落安装监控,而与之有过节的猫老大一伙也成了他的眼中钉。   在卢英俊的设计下,猫老大成为了一名无恶不作的罪犯……
  • Wolfgang, a professional mercenary for hire is thrust in the middle of a local dispute when hired by a wealthy benefactor. But when he develops a friendship with a young orphan and a local tour guide, he is torn between molikan.com his loyalty to violence for money, and righting wrongs in the name of innocents.
  • Brussels. Leo, a Spanish metro driver, while conducting his train and arriving at a station, sees a young man in distress on the edge of the platform. He recognizes his son Hugo right before he falls onto the rails and then dies at the hospital. Leo, who had not seen his son for years, will discover that he was involved in a bloody heist. While on the trail of his son’s murdere...