- Describes how the catastrophic earthquake of 1985 had a negative impact on Along with thousands of others who were buried, a doctor with a dark past, a journalist seeking fame, and a family in distress will all be required to put their lives in danger in Mexico City. Every minute of their heroic rescue attempts turns into a chance for them to change the course of their own lives.
- 原美国特种兵杰克?坎贝尔(Max Martini 饰)因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊(Brandon Quinn 饰)被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉(Erin Cottrell 饰)怀有身孕,为了让妻儿生活幸福,他拼命打工赚钱,结果因赌博欠下巨额赌债,为此不得不在黑市拳组织者波普(Nick Chinlund 饰)的安排下参加黑市拳比赛,导致身受重伤。 杰克发誓为弟弟报仇,四处寻找凶手,其高超身手被波普相中。在这个狡猾的组织者的策划下,杰克步入黑市拳赛场,一步步向拳场的王者艾赛亚?格里芬(Sidney S. Liufau 饰)发起挑战……