- After his best friend Kevin commits suicide, John decides his life needs a change and he spontaneously heads off to Europe to follow Kevin's muse Solange, a minor pop music diva and eccentric B-movie actress. As the odd pair become embroiled in a world of sex, drugs, and murder the boundaries of trust start to wear thin and John begins to wonder whether Solange is the victim of a bizarre lifestyle or its mastermind. Shot on location in Europe and featuring a killer soundtrack, Todd Verow's most recent film is an homage to 80's cinema and a fun installment in the prolific director's portfolio
- 入围华沙电影节前两部竞赛。 Miriam is an actress who is also a sign language teacher, but she is not deaf herself. However, a downward spiral begins when she learns that she will indeed become fully deaf. Despite having deaf parents, deaf friends and a deaf girlfriend, she refuses to accept a world without sound. A remarkable film, also in terms of sound.
- 经过艰苦的激战,汽车人夺回饱经战火的母星赛博坦。擎天柱表彰了大黄蜂等部下的功勋,随即和千斤顶踏上了前往宇宙深处寻找火种源的漫长之旅。另一方面,宇宙大帝唤醒沉睡在海底的威震天(Frank Welker 配音),对他的力量进行升级,以期消灭普神,创造混沌纪元。拥有光速的威震天,气势汹汹向赛博坦逼近。与此同时,大黄蜂等人一面进行赛博坦的复建工作,一面防备红蜘蛛和震荡波等人的侵袭。谁知此时,两只巨狰狞的出现让一切陷入混乱。似乎感受到霸天虎的衰落,拥有原始兽性的巨狰狞冲云霄蠢蠢欲动,为祸四方。 赛博坦黎明的前夕,和平远远未曾到来,最可怕的远古军团即将复活……