搜索 Tas

  •   小鹿(Preaw 饰)本有着平静的生活,以及充满明亮的未来。直到有一天,  她在飒荣普(Weir 饰)的信贷公司巧合的遇到飒荣普。正在教小鹿画画的老师被债权人追债,飒荣普给小鹿拿了10万去把公主她的老师。飒荣普的行为让小鹿感觉到惊讶,诚实的小鹿拿了自己的油画去给飒荣普,到了他的公司,却不知道飒荣普是一个金融老大,并且和自己是同一个画画老师的学生。飒荣普的爸爸帕迪先生,是黑社会的领袖,做非法经营的生意。帕迪先生去世之后,要式散热片来继承生意。飒荣普也下定决心扩大高利贷业务。但在百万富翁的女儿们和花心富豪之间,飒荣普有着自己强烈的爱情风格。  男女主人公们的斗争般的生活就这样开始了,每个人心里也建立起风暴般的爱情……
  •   Ningrum has had to face negative views from local residents since childhood because her mother, Handini, was always accused of having sex with many men. The death of one of Handini's close friends further plunges her family into local gossip. Ningrum's life becomes increasingly uneasy when the man she secretly loves, named Jalu, is trapped as Handini's new sacrifice. Ningrum has to face various supernatural terrors. Finally, Ningrum got a clue and asked for help from a Kyai who gave him a powerful spear to destroy black magic on earth.
  •   单亲爸爸提耶里和小女儿露丝一向过着幸福美满的日子,只不过提耶里是先天智能不足,却仍不影响他们共筑坚若磐石的两人世界,直到露丝六岁上了小学,她才意识到自己的家庭和家长,与同学的截然不同,也在校方必须与家长联络的情形下,造成他们继续相依为命的威胁,他们该如何才能不受世俗侵扰地相守下去?
  •   Looking for a good time, two friends on a trip to Barcelona befriend a couple of girls but it's not fun they find, instead they get trapped in a house haunted by a devilish ghost bent on tearing apart anyone that enters her dwelling.
  •   Nadia, the sole survivor of her family's tragic fate, grapples with the looming threat of her father's sacrifice as she faces a life on the edge.