搜索 Sebastien

  •   Angela thinks that she has an ideal life. She lives in Nice, in a beautiful apartment, with a handsome husband and a charming teenage daughter. But on Christmas Eve, her daughter leaves her to get together with her boyfriend, her husband dumps her and her best gal pal prefers to take sleeping pills than spend the evening with Angela. It comes as a total shock. Angela has no other choice than to take a thorough look at herself and to piece herself together... which isn't easy with her tyrannical mother, an hysterical gal pal, and a psychiatrist who employs experimental methods.
  • 莉拉和阿毛在巴士站相遇,莉拉害羞内向,与生俱来的语言障碍,阿毛活泼外向,总是机机喳喳说个不停,莉拉用功念书,阿毛以非法赛车维生,就像磁铁的二极无法抗拒,莉拉与阿毛互相吸引。由于天生口吃,莉拉被课堂上被同学嘲笑是智障,同学经常模仿她口吃的样子。老师从报告中识出莉拉的文字天份,建议她加入一个诗社,她将说不出口的话语化成一首又一首的诗篇,当短诗发表到部落格,立即引起关注,网友纷纷称赞。她迫不及待想跟阿毛分享这份喜悦,阿毛却表示要分手,因为阿毛有一个不为人知的秘密……
  • 曾是顶级地产经纪的希迪(西格妮·韦弗 饰),表面上生活富足,对人谈笑风生。其实事业早已滑坡,家庭亦诸多问题。面对生活压力,希迪一直咬紧牙关;就算在好友瑞贝卡(莫蕾娜·巴卡琳 饰)及旧爱范克(凯文·克莱恩 饰)面前,亦不敢吐露心声。唯有三杯落肚,才可令她放松心情,做回自己。经常饮至烂醉的她,终于在一次次“断片”后,闯出了弥天大祸。
  • 英国的德尔斯布勒,正悄悄展开一场游戏。这是属于富翁和杀戮者的残酷游戏,它每7年举行一次,幕后操纵者以一千万美元奖金为诱饵召集了世界上30位顶尖杀手,在24小时之内,他们将在这个小镇内捉对厮杀,只有最后的王者才能获得巨额报酬。与此同时,富豪们坐在大屏幕前观看现场直播,大赌输赢,场面极其疯狂。   本次杀人锦标赛云集了赖莱珍(胡凯丽 Kelly Hu 饰)、安东?博加特、尤里?彼德洛夫(Scott Adkins 饰)、迈尔斯?史雷德(Ian Somerhalder 饰)等身怀绝技、手段凶狠的个中高手,更有怀着复仇目的参加比赛的上届冠军乔舒娅?哈洛(Ving Rhames 饰),这注定是一场血腥而丧失人性的杀戮战……
  •   What if you came home one day to find some weirdo living in your house? What if that weirdo, in a barely understandable language, explained that he was your son? But you knew for a fact you had no children. This is what happened to André and Laurence Prioux, a bourgeois couple, stylishly living in a quiet upscale suburb.   Convinced they are victims of an error or a con man, Andr...