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  •   Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at seventeen years old, the time has come for Nica to leave fairy tales behind. Her biggest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have started the adoption process and are ready to give her the family she has always wanted. In her new home, however, Nica is not alone. Along with her, Rigel, a restless and mysterious orphan, the last person in the world Nica would want as an adoptive brother, is also taken from the Grave. Rigel is intelligent, smart, plays the piano like an enchanting demon and has a beauty that can enchant, but his angelic appearance conceals a dark nature. Even though Nica and Rigel are united by a common past of pain and hardship, living together seems impossible, but kindness and anger are two different ways of fighting pain to stay alive and to conceal the emotions that devastate their hearts, becoming for each other that tears-maker of legend. To the maker of tears you cannot lie: and they will have to find the courage to accept that desperate force that attract them towards each other called love.
  • 对于女孩瑞秋(雷文·西蒙尼 Raven Symone 饰)来说,开始大学生活等同于打开了新世界的大门,在这扇门背后的,是自由不羁的生活和真正独立自主的标志。在进入大学之前,瑞秋决定来一个“大学之旅”,在还没有决定进入哪所大学之前,她想要通过双眼,亲自见证一下不同大学中的迥异生活。   不幸的是,身为父亲的詹姆斯(马丁·劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)显然觉得自己的女儿还是一个需要他来关心和照顾的小女孩,爱女心切的他斩钉截铁的决定要陪伴女儿完成这一趟特殊的旅程。本应该轻松快乐的旅途由于詹姆斯的存在而变成了一场噩梦,瑞秋和詹姆斯之间的父女之情也受到了前所未有的考验。
  • 法国家喻户晓同名漫画改编!喜剧专业户让·杜雅赫丹、梅尔维·珀波和凯撒影后西尔薇·泰斯图德三大巨星同台竞技,演绎西部浪漫又刺激的传奇故事.法2TF1收藏版+完整花絮+独家优质中文译制+OST.   剧情   影片讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等西部名人,演绎了一段浪漫又刺激的传奇故事。这是法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼继小淘气尼古拉、高卢英雄阿斯特里克后创造的另一个漫画人物改编而成的电影,当这些漫画人物走向世界,他们的语言已深入法国人的日常生活中,就像“幸运星卢克”常说的那句“举枪的速度比他的影子还快”。   幕后花絮   《幸运星卢克》改编自法国著名漫画家勒内·戈西尼《高卢英雄大战凯撒王子》系列之外的另一代表作,讲述牛仔卢克闯荡美国西部偶遇神枪手杰西·詹姆斯、比利小子、灾难简(Calamity Jane)等...
  • 在兒子在夜總會外遭到野蠻毆打之後,外科醫生將法律掌握在自己手中並尋求對肇事者進行報復。
  •   年轻人阿米德(阿米德柯曼尼Amid Keomany饰)正在照顾一位即将离世的老妇阿梦(席梦娜米拉万Simone Milavanh饰),他随身带着〈西藏度亡经〉,为她朗读典籍中生死奥秘,帮助她能顺利往生。阿梦的人生即将灭熄,阿米德的成年生活才正要开始,他乘着小舟顺着湄公河划行,遇到年少僧人毕恩(熊图莫Toumor Xiong饰)向他探询典籍奥秘,他于是随着这群僧侣,前往了川流之源…。  这时,坦尚尼亚东海岸的女孩接生了一头小山羊,并为它取名「妮玛」(祝福之意)。女孩和家人依海为生,妇女种植海带,男人捕鱼,万物自有循环,大自然有其自我更新的力量。