搜索 Dong

  • 《世界上最动听的你》讲述了古风圈反差萌CV大佬与撩汉技能满点的攻气少女爆笑重逢,一路高甜的故事。
  • 一个巨大的变化将再次让他们回到起点。这是一个会让你笑、哭、开心的rom-com系列。   A big change will once again bring them back to the start. This is a rom-com series that will make you smile, cry and happy.
  • 二柱家穷得叮铛响,但人却十分善良,养着并非亲生的病母亲艰难地过活。因几年前二柱曾救过巧哥儿的父亲,漂亮姑娘巧哥喜欢上了他。为了二柱与巧哥儿的相亲顺利,乡亲们从各家搬来东西把二柱家打扮地很好。巧哥对二柱说她要过上富裕的生活。二柱妈不想拖累他们,欲自杀,被二柱劝回,说自己愿意退亲。可巧哥儿帮助二柱种树、干活,让他家更快富起来。村里的大款孙兴光看上巧哥儿,买通其母不让巧哥儿嫁给二柱。但在二人的共同努力下,最终还是走到一起,而孙兴光,而赔了夫人又折兵。
  •   该片讲述的是因为色听而无法听到音乐的诗贤(Dara 饰),与身为知名作曲家却陷入低谷而没办法写歌的志一(韩载锡 饰)通过音乐沟通并成长的故事。
  •   Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Hana is actually her older sister and asked her to tell the truth. Hyoshin saw two of them talking and killed Hana because of jealous. Hyoshin tried to kill Miyu next and Miyu realized Hyoshin is her sister who had plastic surgery and changed her face. Finally Hana stuck a knife into herself because she knew Miyu always values her sister. Miyu survived, but lost her precious sister.