搜索 Alberto

  •   Héctor(LeonidasUrbina饰)是一个忙碌的男人,为了工作不断奔波于各个国家,时常不能与妻子孩子团聚的他对于家庭的眷恋仿佛更多。他的妻子是一个贤惠的女人,早晨给丈夫儿子做早餐,送他们出门。这天,Christian(LeandroArvelo饰)绑架了Héctor的儿子,而以这件事为起点......
  • A film essay about a singular couple, Paco and Manolo, two Catalan photographers from the outskirts of Barcelona, who have been together for thirty years. Both have managed to work as a single photographer and have captured their imagery in the Kink magazine, a very personal photography fanzine with an essentially Mediterranean homoerotic aesthetic. Paco and Manolo’s style can ...
  • 美国纽约的闹市街头,野猫“猫老大”比格韦格和他的朋友们整日游手好闲,混吃混喝,虽然时常受到警察以及恶犬的威胁,但是自由自在,逍遥无比。警员中贝罗警官是猫老大他们唯一的朋友,“警匪”双方相安无事,直到某天,猫老大为了从某王公手中骗取红宝石而大闹音乐会,令贝罗警官非常懊恼。与此同时,警局出现人事变动,前任警长卸职,其义子——长相丑陋、人品恶劣却自号“英俊”的家伙接任警长之职。他极端崇拜科技,上任当天便遣退了除贝罗外的所有警员,大肆任用机器警察,在城市各个角落安装监控,而与之有过节的猫老大一伙也成了他的眼中钉。   在卢英俊的设计下,猫老大成为了一名无恶不作的罪犯……
  • RED RINGS OF FEAR (ENIGMA ROSSO), 1978, 85 min. Director Alberto Negrin wraps up the SOLANGE trilogy in this giallo where more sexually precocious schoolgirls bite the dust. Fabio Testi is the police inspector on the murderer’s trail, and Christine Kaufmann is his girlfriend. Chock-full of red herrings, perverse twists, sleazy situations, outrageous dialogue and an out-of-left-field climax, punctuated by Riz Ortolani’s groovy score.
  • 小熊和独角兽之间的战争已经持续很久很久,大群小熊们在训练营中接受严苛的军事化训练,并被告知“独角兽们都是恶魔”,此后投身战场。而其实,Private Bluet渴求独角兽的血是因有预言透露它能交换永恒的美丽。一支小熊军队离开了训练营去执行一项任务,结局将是一场残忍的、灾难性的大战。