- 活泼纯真的澳大利亚姑娘珊迪·奥森(奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰OliviaNewton-John饰)在暑假去美国游玩时,邂逅了学校“硬汉帮”的老大丹尼·祖克(约翰·特拉沃塔JohnTravolta饰)。对丹尼一见钟情的珊迪,极不情愿地与丹尼吻别后踏上了回家的归途。一段青涩甜蜜的初恋,就这样随着炎热的夏天结束了。然而峰回路转,桑迪的父母决定移居美国,更令桑迪激动的是,她发现自己居然和丹尼在同一所学校读书。为了追求丹尼,原本端庄稳重的珊迪变得赶时髦潮流,也故意和全校有名的帅气运动员约会。然而事情却不像珊迪期望的那样进行着。\r本片荣获1979年第51届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲提名,1979年第36届金球奖电影类-音乐喜剧类最佳影片提名、最佳女主角提名等多项大奖。
- Remy, a naive and devout young woman, is cast out from her religious cult. With no place to turn, she immerses herself into the underground world of truck stop sex workers under the tutelage of Sadie, Riley, Liv and Levi, their madam, Nora, and enigmatic local lawman, Sheriff Rex. Remy navigates between her strained belief system and the lot lizard code to find her calling in l...