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  • Six months on, Ted (Jane) and Amanda (Chamoun) investigate a bizarre local murder and an exotic drug ring, whilst Amanda tangles with an old enemy and a new love, and Ted’s past stalks him and his family to Crimson Lake – with deadly consequences.
  • 本片以第二次世界大战末期,在意大利登陆的美军攻破德军防线为背景,导演以令人感动的场面把美军从南部攻到北部期间所引发的一些意大利民间故事编成一部有连贯性的社会写实的电影,画面上的真实感,给予人们非常大的冲击,创下了意大利电影的新潮流……大师罗西里尼的战后三部曲的第二部,第一部是《罗马,不设防的城市》,最后一部是《德意志零年》。作为新现实主义的奠基人,罗西里尼几乎不使用剧本,并明确拒绝使用摄影棚、服装、化妆和职业演员。影片由6个小故事组成,背景是二战后期盟军在意大利登陆后攻破德军防线,从南部向北部进攻期间引发的一些民间小故事。罗西里尼在摄影机前重现了美国大兵,游击队员、修道士,妓女,以及普通平民在那个烽火连天的岁月里的真实遭遇,影片穿插了很多真实的战争镜头,令观众感同身受。
  •   《Sheriff: Narko Integriti》是一部 2024 年马来西亚的悬疑动作惊悚片,由 Syafiq Yusof 执导和编剧,改编自他父亲 Yusof Haslam 的故事。缉毒局警员纳兹里认为,某冰毒集团的犯罪越来越严重,他们在审判过程中常常逃脱法律的制裁。纳兹里决定亲自解决这个问题。与此同时,廉政局警长被派遣去侦破“冰毒杀手”案,他与纳兹里被分配到同一个小组,而“冰毒杀手”有可能就在缉毒局中。
  •   Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy. Through this self-examination, he finds that being a womanizing hustler is an unfulfilling life and he will truly be happy with his best friend Chloe, who, unfortunately, knows him all too well. The result is a wickedly funny, heart-felt story as Sol tries to win her over.