搜索 Scott

  • 艾咪外表看起来光鲜亮丽,有美好的婚姻家庭、品学兼优的孩子,还有稳定的工作,生活看似完美无瑕,但她却早已受够每天不断地为家庭操劳付出,还得被其他妈妈们欺压,精神濒临崩溃。忍无可忍的她决定断开家庭、抛夫弃子,甩开狗屁倒灶的鸟事,和她两名闺蜜相揪“解放”,放纵快活、狂欢畅饮享受婚后丧失的自由,但这场冒险之旅却极度失控。  艾咪总是把家庭放在第一位,但要维持美好的家庭生活令她备感压力,幼稚的丈夫和挑剔的孩子,还有白目的主管更让她耗尽精力,元气大伤,加上学校强势的妈妈们老是欺负她,她再也受不了了,决定让自己从传统的家庭责任中解放,揪她两名人妻闺蜜一起摆脱家庭,展开一场“醉后”之旅,狂欢整夜,不醉不归,享受睽违已久的放荡生活,俗话说的好“不怕当妈累,就怕姐妹不Play”,究竟艾咪能借由这趟旅程找回渴望已久的“姐脱”吗?
  • After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father makes a bumpy adjustment to village life - while his kids hatch a plan to stay there forever.by:www.xiaokan.cc
  • 一只名叫哈克的小狗的回家之bbb。
  •   该片讲述的是一个小说家最终功成名就并且抱得美人归的故事。
  • Gwen grows up with her romantic mother constantly telling her the story of her courtship and marriage to her father. Nick grows up with an alcoholic father who can't hold a job and whose family, as a result, is forced to move all the time. The two are shaped by this - Gwen a romantic and Nick withdrawn, unsure of himself - as they watch the hugely popular sixties sitcom, "One B...