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  •   萨维是一名普通的家庭主妇,她试图通过一次大胆的越狱行动,将丈夫从英国一所戒备森严的监狱中救出来。  该监狱有 400 名囚犯、75 名武装警卫和 60 个监控摄像头。
  • Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book about the case, enlists the aid of Charlie Chan and Number 3 Son. Additional murders follow, leading to a climactic confrontation in a...
  •   故事发生在六十年代初期,一穷二白的青年德克(友塔纳·布格朗 Yuttana Puangklang 饰)邂逅了美丽的女子曼妮(婉娜拉·宋提查 Wannarot Sonthichai 饰),然而曼妮却并没有将自己真正的名字告诉德克,而是借用了孪生姐姐文西的名字。这段注定没有结果的感情以曼妮的不辞而别告终。  许久以来,德克一直没有放弃过寻找曼妮,直到有一天,他在一场舞会上遇见了文西。文西拥有着和曼妮一模一样的外表,德克将她错认为了曼妮,并且十分不解文西对待他的冷漠态度。一场意外中,德克继承了家族留下的巨额遗产,摇身变成了富翁的他迎娶了文西,然而就在这个节骨眼上,曼妮现身了。
  • Life, death and drama at 20,000 feet, SKYMED weaves together intense character journeys and high-stakes medical rescues, as we follow the triumphs, heartbreaks and tribulations of budding nurses and pilots flying air ambulances in remote Northern Canada. They're all in over their heads, and on their own, with no one to rely on but each other.
  • 提姆在鄰居眼中是位孤僻怪老頭,他總是閉門不出,過著完全與世隔絕的生活,但隔壁一對熱心情侶-尼克和瓊仍常常來探訪他,幫忙採買生活用品。某天,提姆收到房子法拍通知書,他的周遭也開始陸續出現許多無法解釋的可怕事件,尼克和瓊亦被捲入其中,而他們發現所有的靈異現象都出現在提姆入睡之後…