搜索 Mir

  •   In the early '90s, the Yugoslavian Government cancelled the autonomy of Kosovo, dissolved its Parliament and closed down the National Television. All institutional life was reorganized by the new authorities, while the majority of the citizens responded with peaceful demonstrations. During this terrible time, Fadili, who works as an archivist, has to choose between two options, knowing that both of them are wrong. He therefore involuntarily and unwillingly "swallows" the shame, endures the pressure bearing down from all sides and puts up with the bad reputation for only one reason: to provide for his family.
  •   故事发生在位于墨西哥北部的一个宗教社区之中,住在这里的人都是极为虔诚的信徒,一丝不苟的遵循着主的指引,一言一行均时刻谨记教义。约翰(Cornelio Wall 饰)和妻子艾斯特(Miriam Toews 饰)是此处的居民,两人结婚多年,一家人住在风景秀丽的郊外,日子过得平静而又幸福。  然而,一场风暴正在平静的表象之下激烈涌动,原来,约翰爱上了一位名叫玛丽安(玛丽亚·潘克拉兹 Maria Pankratz 饰)的女子,两人常常私会,享受灵与肉结合的快感。两人的关系并非仅仅局限于肉体,约翰深深的爱着玛丽安,这也就意味着,每当他和玛丽安在一起时,违背的不仅仅是世俗的道德,还有自己一生坚持的信仰,这令约翰陷入了巨大的痛苦之中。
  •   On an emotional journey in Morocco, an entrepreneur pieces together the turbulent life of his estranged mother and meets her adopted daughter.
  • Joachim 是一个生活在巴黎、事业成功的电视编剧。四十岁生日的临晨,他决定放弃一切——孩子、友人、敌人、爱情与遗憾——去美国从零开始。之后,他带领“新滑稽艳舞团”(New Burlesque )回到故乡进行巡演。艳舞团团员因Joachim 而对法国巴黎充满向往。幽默的表演和脱衣舞娘丰满的身材令男女老少沉迷不已。尽管下榻的旅馆平庸不堪,使用的电梯音乐(musique d’ascenseur )乏善可陈,又缺乏资金,女演员依然营造出了新奇、热情而欢乐的气氛。但是,他们决定在巴黎演出压轴戏,将巡演推向高潮的梦想破裂了:Joachim 的老“朋友”背叛了他,取消了其预定的演戏场所。巴黎之行似乎注定来去匆匆,过去种种伤感的回忆突然被揭开……  Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind - his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!  Traveling from town to town, despite the cheap hotel rooms and lack of money, the curvaceous showgirls invent an extravagant fantasy world of warmth and hedonism that wins an enthusiastic response from men and women alike.  But their dream of a tour culminating in a last grand show in Paris goes up in smoke when Joachim is betrayed by an old friend and loses the theatre where they were due to perform. An obligatory return journey to the capital violently reopens the old wounds of his past...
  •   一个小城的电视台在圣诞节前夕,也是革命纪念日当天准备录制一档关于城市革命记忆的节目。故事从清晨开始,电视台台长正为录制节目而做着准备。其中一位嘉宾玛尼斯古是一位历史老师,刚从宿醉中醒来,随即开始四处借钱补贴薪水,为此他还向昨夜喝醉后辱骂过的华人道歉。另一位嘉宾皮斯科斯,退休后独自生活,邻居来邀请他扮演圣诞老人,他欣然应允。按照约好的时间,节目录制开始了。玛斯尼古讲述了当年罗马尼亚革命日他们的革命事迹,此时却有不少观众打来电话驳斥他的观点并说他在撒谎。现场的争论气氛立马活跃了起来。在这小电视台讨论的大革命的问题究竟会有怎样的结论呢?