搜索 Iya

  • Jack (Peter Vack) is an internet gambler living in NYC. After the death of his roommate, he becomes fixated on Scarlet (Julia Fox) - a cam girl from San Francisco. His obsession reaches a boiling point when fantasy materializes in reality and Jack sees Scarlet on a rainy Chinatown street.
  • After his father's death, the unemployed Aman returns to Kuala Lumpur and embarks illegally on a ride-hailing service, as he fails to obtain a driving license due to his color blindness. When his landlord chases him out of his rental accommodation, he ends up sleeping in his car. A chance encounter with Bella, a Chinese 'escort girl', grants Aman a temporary residence at her pl...
  •   Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.
  •   安东(Ilya Antonenko 饰)一直将街舞这项运动视作自己的毕生理想,可是,在一场意外中,他失去了听力,一位舞者,比失去双腿更可怕的就是失去听力了。生理上的残疾让他不得不退出舞台。这一重打打击让安东一下子就跌入了生活的最低谷,在他最堕落的时候,一个美丽善良的女孩出现在了他的生命里,这个女孩让安东重新拾起了生活的希望。  既然无法听见来自外部的音乐,安东开始学习如何聆听来自内心的音乐,不仅如此,他还开始教和他一样失聪的孩子们跳街舞,并且设计出了适合失聪者学习的舞步。安东希望能够带领着他的孩子们参加俄罗斯锦标赛。
  •   阿列克塞(谢尔盖·贝泽鲁科夫 Sergei Bezrukov 饰)是一位非常有名的芭蕾舞演员,却在一次表演中身受重伤,不得不告别舞台。阿列克塞一生都将芭蕾舞表演视作是自己生命的支柱,因此这一重大变故给予了阿列克塞沉重的打击。  一晃眼二十年过去,阿列克塞的身体状况每况愈下,甚至很快就将会无法行走。然而,越是身陷低谷,阿列克塞就越是无法忘却对于芭蕾舞的热情。在这二十年中,阿列克塞一直都在设计一些难度非常高的芭蕾舞动作,现在,单纯的设计已经再也无法满足他了,他决定再度站上舞台,向病魔宣战。可是,阿列克塞要面对的并非生理上的痛楚这么单纯,他还要抵御周遭人的诋毁和怀疑。