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  • 年幼的张家泽、张家聪、张燕青三兄妹之父母被黑帮份子蛇哥(汤镇业饰)杀害,三兄妹流落街头,幸有“儿童之家”福利院院长(潘虹饰)收留了他们。在家泽的坚持下,可爱的弟妹分别被人家收养。十五年后,被台湾富商收养的张家聪(苏有朋饰)已经毕业并与女友订婚,改名为志华的家聪希望在婚礼上由当年失散的兄长和妹妹做自己的证婚人,与未婚妻南下寻找兄妹。在广州,家聪很快找到了已经成为教师的妹妹燕青(范冰冰饰),但是在香港的大哥家泽却下落不明,一行人赴港,找到曾和家泽一起的黑道分子“野鸡”(张智霖饰),后者声称家泽已死,其实野鸡就是家泽本人,他为了替父母报仇,加入了蛇哥一伙,家泽不想连累弟妹,不想蛇哥却主动找上了他们……
  • The movie is comprised of six inter-related stories that tell of the frantic days leading up to the most important election ever in Malaysia. It follows the lives of everyday people, who come together for their common love their country. Each of the stories told shows the meaning of being a true Malaysian.
  •   'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a cross-border venture. Considered one of the most romantic stories in the history of mat...
  • 西贝尔·拉扎是一个阿尔及利亚的移民。他在魁北克的一所小学工作,他的前任老师悲剧地死掉了。虽然他前任的死令小学的同事和他的学生很悲痛,而且这些生者在心灵上都经历了漫长的恢复过程,但是没有人希望知道拉扎先生痛苦的过往和生活,也没有人清楚他时时刻刻都在担心自己随时可能会被驱逐出这个国家。
  • 拓荒者的足迹》中,农村实验站负责人辛启明,是20世纪60年代初农业大学学生,由于说了几句真话惨遭打击,未毕业就被遣送到塞外荒原。他虽处逆境,但仍对未来充满信心和希望,十八年如一日,治沙防害从事土壤改造,并勇于同弄虚作假的场长魏大雄作斗争,是一位真正的拓荒者。最后冤案平反,被任命为农场新场长,开始了新的征程。