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  • Twenty-year-old Elya is a student and a future ecologist. One day, Matvey, the head of a construction company, comes to her university to talk about a development plan on the site of an old forest park. Elya does not hesitate to smash his project to smithereens. Matvey is intrigued by the girl's self-confidence and uses his usual methods of influence - he simply tries to "buy" ...
  • 真达拉(马里奥•毛瑞尔 Mario Maurer 饰)的母亲因为难产去世,痛失最爱的父亲将他视为这一切的罪魁祸首。祖母的阻挠让真达拉免于被扼杀于襁褓的命运,却无法帮他逃过其后的日子父亲各种的残酷手段与言语的折磨。后来,父亲娶了新的妻子华姨,并生了一个名叫乔的女儿。父亲把所有的宠爱都给了乔(西野翔 Shô Nishino 饰),从小给她灌输着仇恨真达拉的观念。母亲去世后父亲像变了一个人一样,过起了荒淫无度的生活,真拉达亲眼目睹这父亲变态的性爱游戏,在这种充满欲望的生活氛围中长大。一天,父亲带着性感成熟的新欢晚娘回到家中,就在真拉达被诬陷强暴妹妹乔而被赶出家门的时候,晚娘发现原来自己早已迷恋上了年轻的真拉达,一场不羁的伦理纠葛就此展开…
  • 一个十几岁的男孩跑去追随他父亲的脚步,传奇的风暴追逐者比尔·布罗迪。
  • 西奥和雨果在肉欲横陈的性爱夜店裡天雷勾动地火,汗水淋漓交缠过后,他们心旷神怡地携手离开,正当骑车徜徉在凌晨的空旷大街上时,残酷的真相却顿时将他们拉回现实,但也为他们的关係开启另一扇窗。在震撼心灵平复后,两人才在随意交谈中逐渐认识彼此,黎明破晓前的短短90多分钟内,他们能否缔造一夜情的完美结局?
  •   Heather, an outcast teenage goalie in a small northern town, falls for newcomer Jonny, an alluring but tormented figure skater. As their relationship deepens, Heather’s growing desires clash with her darkest secret, forcing her to control the animal within.