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  •   Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the Dominican Republic's Najayo Prison. His romance, with fellow prisoner Yanelly, must develop through sign language and without the knowledge of dozens of guards.
  • Matt, an influencer and young parent to newborn Julius, discovers a dark secret from his dementing father's past. He starts an in-depth investigation, which consequently opens a Pandora's box of secrets and unravels more family dramas than anticipated. Matt's wife, Liv, is deeply concerned and will do everything in her power not to lose him, but is it too late..?
  • 1931年,西班牙的君主制被共和政制替代。马德里军队的逃兵费尔南多(乔格•桑兹Jorge Sanz 饰)在逃难中被两名护卫兵盘问。其中,老兵决定放行,但小兵觉得不合军令。两人开始争执,从中费尔南多得知二者为翁婿。后来,女婿错手将岳父打死,后悔不已饮弹自尽。目睹此情此景,受了惊吓的费尔南多仓皇逃走。他借宿时邂逅了流浪艺术家曼诺罗(费尔南多•费尔南•戈麦斯 Fernando Fernán Gómez 饰)。临行前,曼诺罗决定送他一程,顺便在车站接自己的女儿。当费尔南多看到他四个美艳动人的女儿之后,决定找借口留下。他先后跟这四个女人发生了情感纠葛,由此引出了一场令人忍俊不禁的闹剧……  本片获得第66届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,战胜了中国影片《霸王别姬》。
  •   When their son, Esben, moves out, Kjeld and Vibeke decide to relocate to a smaller home. They discover that the apartment they lived in back when they were students, is up for sale and agree to buy it and make a new start. Kjeld furnishes the apartment the way it was furnished back then, and for a while the two relive their sweet days of youth. But events take a turn neither of them had expected, when they wake up one morning, and find that they are actually thirty years younger. Written by Christian Tafdrup
  • 养尊处优的酒店继承人(琳赛·洛翰 Lindsay Lohan 饰)才订婚不久,便因一场滑雪意外完全失忆。幸好蓝领阶层的英俊木屋主人(考德·欧威尔斯特利特 Chord Overstreet 饰)和他聪慧早熟的女儿收留了她,三人共同度过圣诞节前的时光。