搜索 And

  •   一对情侣(伊萨·雷和库梅尔·南贾尼饰)正在互诉衷肠,结果被无意中卷入了一场谋杀迷局。洗刷罪名的过程极端又滑稽,他们必须挺过这一夜,以保住两人的恋情和性命。
  • 由加籍印裔女导演迪帕.梅塔执导,曾获芝加哥国际影展奖。因内容表现在打破传统的 “性禁锢方面,所以公映时竟触发狂潮,成为众矢之的,导演本人亦遭受恐吓。剧情介绍新德里一个年轻美貌姑娘嫁入中产店主家庭后,因丈夫沉缅于香港功夫,并迷恋于中国艳女而受到冷落。而不育的大嫂亦因丈夫参与 “灵修倍感寂寞,两人同病相怜遂成闺中好友,并发展成床上鸳鸯。后来东窗事发,迫使两人离家出走。该片在印度来讲,内容较为惹火,但比起香港片,似乎仍显平谈,而且剧情颇为噱头,算不上佳作。不过对女性情欲描写极为细致,有一定的文艺剧情趣味。该片还入选香港 “印度多面睇十大印度影片。  Ashok (Kulbhushan Kharbanda) runs a family business that sells takeout food and which also has a video rental store at the side. Ashok's extended family includes his wife Radha (Shabana Azmi), his brother Jatin (Javed Jaffrey), their ailing mother Biji (Kushal Rekhi) and their manservant Mundu (Ranjit Chowdhry), all living under the same roof. Jatin, at the insistence of Ashok and their mother, Biji, agrees to marry the beautiful Sita (Nandita Das) in an arranged marriage, although he is actually in love with Julie (Alice Poon), a Chinese-Indian. At first glance, you see a happy middle-class family going through the normal paces of everyday life. However, as the layers are slowly peeled back, we find a simmering cauldron of discontent within the family, with almost every family member living a lie. Both marriages in the family turn out to be emotionally empty, without love or passion. While Ashok is an ascetic who has taken a vow of celibacy, Jatin is a handsome ladies' man who is still openly seeing Julie even after his marriage to Sita. Ashok has pledged his total devotion to a religious holy man, a swami, in order to purge his life of worldly desires and temptations. Radha, bound by her sense of duty to her husband, agrees to go along with his wishes. As you can imagine, with both husbands ignoring their spouses' emotional and sexual needs (albeit with reasons that are totally opposite from each other), it is only a matter of time before Radha and Sita look to one another for comfort and to satisfy their own passions. In this environment, it is only natural that Sita and Radha become fast friends, and, in time, much more than that. But their love is not without its share of painful obstacles.
  •   正直勇敢的贾汉上尉一直坚信自己的命运要由自己掌控,面对人生的各种挑战,都要做赢家。  在奉命抓获私自到军事禁区水域游泳的苏哈妮之后,两人由斗气冤家,逐渐演变为彼此难舍难分的爱侣……  然而,命中注定他们的爱不会一帆风顺,这段姻缘遭到了苏哈妮家人的坚决反对,他们爱的命运也受到了空前的考验。  离开家庭,一心想自己掌控爱情的苏哈妮,却目睹了贾汉的订婚场面……  救了陷入暴风雪中的新郎,应邀参加其婚礼的贾汉,残酷地发现婚礼的新娘正是苏哈妮……  面对命运的挑战,贾汉会怎样应对?他们爱的命运会走向何方?……
  •   一位爱斯基摩人受了受了族长的委托,来到了繁华的纽约,要告诉大家:如果人类再不改变自己的行为,那么世界将会毁灭。女孩克洛伊被他的真诚善良打动,决定帮助他。城市与质朴的碰撞,就此开始。
  • 拉胡尔是震惊全印度的天才歌手,可是不知道如何面对明星地位的他整天喝酒烂醉,不务正业。直到有一天他遇见了美丽的阿罗伊,拉胡尔被阿罗伊完美的嗓音吸引,决定培养她,让她成为印度最好的歌手。慢慢的两人深深爱上彼此。。。两位主角将带着我们在整篇音乐之旅中领略他们生活中的爱与恨、 曲折和动荡、成功和失败。最终他们是生活在一起或者分道扬镳独自一人呢?