搜索 Lai

  • Муратова сделала пародию на собственные прежние фильмы. Тут тебе и Астенический синдром, и Перемена участи, и Три истории, чьим мрачным продолжением, кстати, и должны были стать Второстепенные люди. Но режиссер умудрилась сделать так, чтобы жестокая агрессия и вялая апатия уступили место построенному ей уютному миру выморочного абсурда, который выглядит уютным и счастливым, и вход туда свободен для всех...
  • 一段惊悚的记忆,囚禁了15年…  玛侬是个气质优雅的女人,她的过去像是一个谜,但是她的一切深深地吸引了雅的同事史帝芬。一切进展的很顺利,就在玛侬以为自己也可以享有幸福的时候,过去的噩梦却突然撞击她的生活,不知何时会是清醒的终点…  玛侬无意中看到了那个让她一辈子都无法忘记的刺青,刻着字母刺青手臂带她回到了15年前天真浪漫的少女年代,一次无意的搭便车,却造成了一件悲剧,五个好朋友从此失去以往的亲密,只怕触碰到疼痛炙人的伤口;到底在那一年发生什麽事,让她们的青春变调?一切有可能重新来过或能走出自我囚禁的囚牢吗?
  •   Fifteen year-old Taylor Collins is a golf legacy. The son of a PGA veteran, the younger brother of a PGA rookie, he has all the talent in the world-but wants nothing to do with golf or the pressure of being the next in line. After Taylor purposely blows his tryout for the school team, his disappointed father takes a drive that ends in a texting-while-driving accident and lands him in a coma. Taylor blames himself and, with the guidance of his brother and the prayer support from his mother Jenny and newfound crush Bailey, makes it his mission to get back on the team and become the first freshman in state history to lead his team to a state championship. Faith, hope, and love bring Taylor and his family closer than ever and he learns that the greatest way to honor his father and his God is to embrace the gifts and talents he was given.
  • 外星入侵者绑架了地球的超级英雄,他们的孩子则被匆匆送进政府避难所,但机智过人的青少女蜜西(Yaya Gosselin 饰)使尽各种招数,一心要拯救她的超级英雄爸爸马可斯(Pedro Pascal 饰),为此她跟其他超级小英雄携手合作,逃离当局神秘的保母格拉娜达女士(Priyanka Chopra Jonas 饰)。这群孩子必须各自使出包括超强弹力、控制时间和预言未来在内的力量并肩作战,组成无人能敌的团队,才能成功救出爸爸妈妈。动作画面精彩且真挚动人的《全民小英雄》由《非常小特务》、《鲨胆小英雄》导演 Robert Rodriguez 执导,并请到 Boyd Holbrook、Christian Slater、Chris McDonald 及 Adriana Barraza 同台演出。
  •  A young boy becomes trapped inside America's rigid immigration process. Feature adaptation of the 2016 short film, 'Icebox'.