搜索 Georg

  •   两名强盗闯进一个火车站电报室内,强迫电报员给火车发出信号,后又将电报员捆绑起来。火车驶近后,强盗们偷偷地溜上火车。随后,强盗们逼停了火车,把车上的乘客都赶下了火车,将他们的钱财搜刮一空。得手后,四名强盗逃至草原分赃。而与此同时,一个小女孩救下了电报员,电报员随即赶到警察局报案。一批警察开始追击强盗,双方在草原上展开了猛烈火拼,最终四名强盗被一一击毙。  《火车大劫案》根据1900年发生在美国的一个真实抢劫事件改编,影片用14个场面镜头讲述了一个较为复杂的故事,是鲍特拍摄的第一部西部片。本片成为当时最受观众欢迎的影片,持续上映了十年。这部作品给美国电影带来一股新的“西部风”,西部片因此逐渐繁荣起来。
  •   Ronald Miller is tired of being a nerd, and makes a deal with one of the most popular girls in school to help him break into the "cool" clique. He offers her a thousand dollars to pretend to be moxia.cc his girlfriend for a month. It succeeds, but he soon learns that the price of popularity may be higher than he expected.
  • 这部电影的历史在 1990 年代在乌克兰展开。主角 - 一个绰号为犀牛的强盗 - 在 1990 年代落入乌克兰犯罪世界的控制之下,开始了他的血腥道路,这导致他出人意料。
  • In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having carnal knowledge of a Christian woman.    Summary written by Kevin Rayburn