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  • The boisterous, arrogant professor Challenger, a reputed biologist and anthropologist, dares the London Zoological Society to mount an expedition to verify his spectacular claim, without physical proof, that his previous expedition to the Amazonian basin found live dinosaurs. Apart from him and his 'socialite' counterpart, professor Summerlee, it consists of experienced discoverer Lord Roxbury, the young reporter Ed Malone -who got publicly struck down with Challenger's umbrella at his arrival- and Jennifer Holmes, Malone's news agency's boss's daughter, essentially as conditions for putting up the money. In Brazil they are joined by Jennifer's brother David and local 'guide' Manuel Gomez. They soon discover the dinosaurs are real and dangerous, like giant spiders, but loose their helicopter and thus are desperate for a way down from the isolated plateau. They learn Roxbury knew about the fate of Burton White, an explorer whose diary they find, thus presume to be dead, in search of diamonds, and confirmation of the local tribe being the lethal guardians of the plateau's secrets, but also get surprising help...
  • 肖肖是一个互联网天才,他与热爱传统文化的父亲老沈之间格格不入。肖肖和他美国好友奥利弗一起研发“思维神器”。却不小心将自己的父亲老沈与奥利弗的宠物狗亨利也卷入了实验之中。奥利弗的家庭危机及科技大亨米尔斯的出现让情况更加复杂。两位少年和一只宠物狗将如何应对这场危机呢?
  •   马克思(James Woods 饰)是一家小型电视台的台长,为提高收视率,马克思四处搜罗带有色情或暴力内容的剧集。马克思的下属哈兰盗用卫星信号,获取了一档名为影视场的节目,内容为写实粗糙的暴力虐待场面,马克思看过这套节目后无法忘怀,对其他剧集丧失了兴趣。电台主播尼奇(Deborah Harry 饰)与马克思相识不久,这名有受虐倾向的女子也被影视场吸引,奔赴节目可能的产地匹兹堡欲参与制作。马克思经人指点拜访影视场的创始人布莱恩教授却没有见到真人,教授寄来的以尼奇为主角的录像让马克思产生了幻觉,马克思再度拜访始知布莱恩早已被杀死,现在的影视场节目由惊人视力公司的巴里负责,马克思一步步落入了巴里设计好的圈套,在巴里与布莱恩两种力量间越陷越深……  本片获1984年加拿大吉尼奖最佳导演奖。
  • 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇加盟科幻恐怖片[尼可曼斯](Nekromancer,暂译)。影片由澳大利亚导演凯·瑞奇-特纳及凯兄弟两人执导。影片卡司还包括本·奥图尔([底特律])、泰丝·哈乌布里奇([机器之血])。该片由eOne联合Screen Australia、 Create NSW投资制作。影片今年于悉尼开拍,剧情未知。
  • 《幸存者》讲述了十亿年前,外星异种来地球,进行各种生物培育,因为地壳运动剧烈,被火山岩浆淹埋。荒凉的北极科学探测站内,正欢呼石油的到来,钻台无故断电、矿井喷出神秘的胶体、员工被大卸八块……顿时失去控制,当站长亚当、凯特等反应过来,并组织起武装防卫时,95%的人们成了无辜冤魂,血肉模糊、脑髓迸射;不可抗力的人类浩劫就此爆发,从北极向全球疯狂蔓延……