搜索 Ini

  •   1944年至1945二战期间,一群阿尔及利亚的伊斯兰教小伙子应召入伍,被编入法国军队,参加对德国的反击战。阿布戴卡德( 罗舍迪·泽姆 Roschdy Zem饰)因通过军事理论考试而被授予下士军衔,在上级命令下带领同乡的弟兄们编进严厉的马丁尼兹中士(伯纳德·布兰肯 Bernard Blancan 饰)的队伍中。在首次训练中,矮小伙萨义德(贾梅尔·杜布兹 Jamel Debbouze 饰)在应对中士投手雷的考察时险些酿成大祸,幸好中士出手敏捷,反应神速,才让这批新兵幸免于难。在战斗中,这些新兵表现神勇,特别是下士,中士对他另眼相看。午餐时,出于对非洲士兵的歧视,食品分配极为不公,为了各种族士兵权益,下士不惜以下犯上,贸然顶撞了中士,两人是否就此结下私人恩怨?非洲士兵们的命运又何去何从?
  •   As the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, takes over the TARDIS for his first epic adventure he will be joined by Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as she makes her debut as the Doctor’s companion.  The episode sees the Doctor come face-to-face with the mythical and mysterious goblins as his life collides with Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson.  Little is known about Ruby Sunday as she was abandoned on Christmas Eve as a baby. Now living with her mum, Carla and grandmother, Cherry her world is about to be turned upside when she encounters the Doctor and the two set off on their first adventure together
  • Baron Munchausen is informed by an astrologer cousin of his about the Selenites, an extraterrestrial race which is native to the Earth's Moon ("Selene" in Greek). The Selenites have reportedly discovered the secret to immortality. The Baron organizes an expedition to the Moon, hoping to convince them to share the secret with him. He and his companions arrive just as another ali...
  • 葡萄牙名導Tiago Guedes第五部劇情長片以一幕美麗懾人的場景作為開場,靜謐的鄉村小鎮卻發生一連串慘案,永遠改變了Joao Fernandez的一生。20年後,葡萄牙受右翼的第二共和國政權統治,這時的Joao已是名富有的地主,並成為家族裡最具主見的領導人。由Joao帶領的家族勢力在接下來的40餘年,都將在葡萄牙歷史中佔有重要地位,不僅與動盪不定的政治、社會變遷相抗衡,家族埋藏已久的秘密與謊言也將水落石出。導演Guedes以19世紀葡萄牙文學家Jose Maria Eca de Queiroz的現實主義故事為主軸,創造出獨一無二的藝術視角,聚焦傳統大家族的內部關係如何受外在世界所影響,結果如同另一名19世紀文學家所言:「一切堅固的事物都終將煙消雲散」。
  • 一名卧底警察奉命调查约翰内斯堡一起重大黄金抢劫案,并被迫在良知与法律之间做出选择。