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  • 根据安东尼·贝纳吉斯真实故事改编。   阿莉安德娜发现她的祖父一直在寻找其西班牙内战时期消失的父亲。下定决心帮助祖父的她,只身前往布尔戈斯新发掘的坟场,因为她的曾祖父可能埋在那里。这趟旅行中,阿莉安德娜听闻了一位来自塔拉戈纳的年轻男教师——安东尼·贝纳吉斯的故事,而这位男教师曾是她祖父的老师。安东尼用当时创新的教育方式激励着孩子,并对他们许下承诺:带他们去看一次海...
  •   该片讲述了四岁的朱丽叶和八岁的卡门的邻居阿格尼斯的故事,她以狂热的世界《风的王国》为背景写儿童书。两姐妹发现了他们的世界和这个非凡的宇宙之间的通道。一到那里,女孩们就变成了猫的样子,发现了Sirocco的存在,一个能够控制风的可怕角色。
  •   Elodie and Laetitia live in close love and dream of having a child. As Elodie discovers that she cannot get pregnant because of a health problem and encounters financial troubles, they decide to take a roommate.
  • 一个好脾气的人有一场意想不到的致命对抗。 以自卫的名义清理混乱的本能开始了,但一个人真的在杀了人之后就可以逍遥法外了吗?
  •   The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumânare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is Ştefan Silvestru, the director of the national television station, who has to deal with a career-ending issue: an actress who appeared in a sketch to be broadcast on New Year’s Eve has defected the country. Silvestru’s son, Laurenţiu, who plans to defect by swimming across the Danube to Yugoslavia, is the protagonist of another story, all six of them exploring the atmosphere in Bucharest before the “end of the world”, or the fall of the regime.