- Tracing Dame Maggie Smith's life from Ilford to the dizzy heights of Broadway and Hollywood, where she has become one of the most-loved stars of stage and screen.
- Series 2 (2000) The second series sees a deadly epidemic of nosebleeds grip the town's inhabitants, killing many. The plot is resolved after some confusion over the cause of the nosebleeds, involving butcher Hilary Briss' "special stuff", Benjamin Denton's escape from his relatives, and the murders in the Local Shop.
- 阿道克船长突然收到远方老友的遗赠,于是和丁丁,白雪一起前往伊斯坦布尔接受了一条名为“金毛号”的船。没想到这条令人失望的破船居然有人出天价收购,还给众人招来一系列杀身之祸。原来这条船和一批价值连城的黄金有密切联系。 经历了一系列冒险历程,在杜邦杜庞和卡尔库鲁斯的协助下,一场正邪大战如火如荼。 那么,金子又在哪里呢?