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  • Brad Pitt制片公司Plan B Entertainment过去宣布为Amazon开发新剧《外围 Outer Range》,这部惊悚剧由Brian Watkins负责,剧集讲述一名待在怀俄明州荒野的牧场主因为发现这儿隐藏着谜团,紧接着他决心为了自己土地及家人而战。Josh Brolin加盟剧组,饰演主角Royal Abbott。
  • 该剧时间设定在《刺猬索尼克2》与《刺猬索尼克3》之间,纳克鲁斯(伊德里斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 配音)同意收韦德·威波(亚当·佩里 Adam Pally 配音)为徒、并将他训练成真正的针鼹战士。
  •   The Second World War was the most destructive conflict in history, laying waste not only to Europe’s people but also its infrastructure, institutions and its moral foundations. Only at the war’s end was the true scale of human suffering and misery revealed, and so devastating was the scene that Europe was dubbed ‘The New Dark Continent'. But for civilians in particular, liberation often marked not the end of their troubles but the beginning of new ones, with famine and disease widespread and an atmosphere thick with ethnic tension and revenge.  This film will re-examine the aftermath of the War to ask if too much stress has been laid on an optimistic view of victory in Europe with celebratory images of VE day and newsreel coverage of the liberation of places like Paris. While narratives of hope and reconciliation are important, are parallel stories showing the darker side of peace yet to receive due prominence? Liberation was bitter, bloody and vengeful, and there were profound and pervasive fears that the peace could be lost. Through rare archive and unique personal testimony, this film reveals the ‘poisoned peace’ of 1945 to throw light on a post-war Europe where civilisation teetered on the brink of chaos, but the story of the transition from war to peace forms the hinge on which modern European history turns.
  • 《女生日记 之 做决定事务所》是一部以北大各色学霸怪咖的专业背景和人才资源为强大后盾的高原创性作品。中国版校园 生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory),最富喜剧色彩的“知乎式”精神启蒙,这是一部献给90后、00后的次世代青年的人生通关攻略。  当【北大青年严肃而邪典的趣味科学】遇见了【次时代青年的生活琐事和情感选择】院线级高制作 创作水准网剧
  • 安德鲁·加菲尔德确认主演林-曼努尔·米兰达长片导演首秀——Netflix新片《tick, tick…Boom!》,影片改编自著名音乐剧创作者乔纳森·拉森(《吉屋出租》)的同名自传性质剧作。1996年,拉森因马凡氏综合征引起的主动脉剥离,悲剧性地在《吉屋出租》首次预演的半天前去世,没能见证该剧此后的大热,已故的他也因此剧获得托尼奖和普利策奖。   米兰达曾参演了外百老汇版《Tick, Tick…Boom!》,原剧由拉森创作,也映射了他自己的人生。设定在1990年,主角为加菲饰演的Jon,一个年轻、雄心勃勃的音乐剧作曲家。他在纽约一边当侍者,一边写一部叫《Superbia》的音乐剧,希望能平步青云,开启事业。但他从女友Susan那里感受到了压力,对方已经厌倦了任男友的职业前途牵制自己的人生;同时,Jon的室友Michael也放弃了创作梦想,做了一份高收入的广...