搜索 Mark

  • 本剧是一部职场惊悚剧,故事发生在希望将工作与生活的平衡提升至新水平的Lumen公司,一名有着黑暗过往的员工马克(斯科特饰)试图让自己重新振作起来。沃肯将饰演Lumen公司光学和设计部主管。剧集由丹·埃里克森撰写剧本,共10集。
  •   In every movie that he watches, 16-year-old Andoy creates narratives that could help him find answers to the questions that have always bothered him: Who is he and who is his father? While the truth remains elusive, his imaginings remain unrealized until two movie-like characters appear in their barrio - Ariel, a hairdresser who lures young men with his inexplicable charm, and Isidro, a mysterious, long-haired man who owns a VCD player. Andoy finds himself entranced with Ariel and Isidro and begins to spend intimate time with them. As he gets entangled with their twisted lives, his reality becomes mystified. Just like the movies, Andoy must decide whether to conclude his years-long search for his father with a bang or with a whimper.
  •   根据同名童话改编,塑造了几个可爱的动物形象:胆小怕事但又生性喜欢冒险的鼹鼠,热情好客、充满浪漫情趣的河鼠,侠义十足、具有领袖风范的老獾,喜欢吹牛、臭显、追求时髦的蛤蟆、敦厚老实的水獭--他们生活在河岸或者大森林里,有乐同享,有难同当。  虚荣的蛤蟆连连闯祸。为了教育他,动物们煞费苦心,对他百般说服教育。当蛤蟆的住宅被黄鼠狼霸占,他们联合起来,齐心协力,用智慧战胜了比他们数量多得多的黄鼠狼。蛤蟆大受感动,从此决心改正身上的毛病,变成一个好蛤蟆。
  • A group of astronauts venture to a mysterious planet to claim the find of the century.
  • 英国倡导组织“希望而非仇恨”处于打击极右翼的前线,调查各个组织的工作方法和财务状况。为此,他们定期进行卧底行动,因为这些团体的成员只在闭门造车后才真正说出自己的想法。 “希望不仇恨”活动人士使用隐藏的摄像机和音频设备拍摄示威、研讨会和闭门会议。它们揭示了极右活动分子如何旨在从根本上改变主流政治、社区如何成为目标,以及精通媒体的影响者如何向新受众普及种族偏见。希望而非仇恨活动人士为这项工作付出了高昂的代价:他们的演讲在流氓和白人至上主义者中流传。 《卧底:揭露极右》紧随“希望而非仇恨”组织的一系列卧底行动。