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  •   津田义春(冢本晋也 饰)是某保险公司的业务员,他终日奔波劳碌,委曲求全,过着紧张乏味的生活。这天,义春在回家的路上遇见了高中时代的同学小岛拓司(塚本耕司 饰)。因不可告人的过去,义春刻意疏远这个招人厌烦的同学,然而拓司却自顾自闯进他的生活,甚至调戏义春的女友(藤井かほり 饰)。  恼羞成怒的义春前去理论,反被拳击手出身的拓司痛揍一顿。由这一刻起,拓司、义春及其女友的生活发生巨大的变化……  本片荣获1996年布鲁塞尔国际奇幻电影节特别荣誉奖和1996年日本电影旬报最佳新人奖(冢本耕司)。
  •   A powerful and inspirational story of dedication, danger, fear, and the rare 'will' some of us have to defy all personal limitations. Experience one of the fastest mostorsports on earth through the eyes of four-time world champion Scott Dixon and the Chip Ganassi Racing team. Filmed with an access all areas lens, 'Born Racer' follows the people who are passionate about the world of auto racing and asks why some individuals feel compelled to face danger and risk their lives in order to win. Both action-packed and highly-intimate it features an intense blend of up close and personal filming with never-before-seen spectacular, cutting-edge racing footage to explore a sport that defines the very people who inhabit it, and pushes them to the edge in their desire for success.
  • SomPoei是一部兰纳风格的电影,专门为了东北地区打造   阿欢 一位颠覆西北女性规规矩矩,有条不紊的形象,是一个直来直去,敢爱敢恨,时刻准备为爱冲刺的女子。她代表着如今的那些觉得现在已经过了那个要隐瞒自己的情感,等着爱情找上门,最终变成年老色衰的老处女的时代的女孩。
  •   本片改编自劳伦斯·奥斯本同名小说,小说故事描绘了在摩洛哥沙漠中,一对英国夫妇和当地人在一个豪华别墅的周末聚会上相遇的悲剧。  Speeding through the Moroccan desert to attend an old friend’s lavish weekend party, wealthy Londoners David and Jo Henninger (Ralph Fiennes and Jessica Chastain) are involved in a tragic accident with a local teenage boy. Arriving late at the grand villa with the debauched party raging, the couple attempts to cover up the incident with the collusion of the local police. But when the boy’s father arrives seeking justice, the stage is set for a tension-filled culture clash in which David and Jo must come to terms with their fateful act and its shattering consequences.
  • Carl和Yaya是一对很有影响力的模特夫妇。时装周结束后,他们受邀来到一艘游艇进行豪华的跨洋之旅,船员们都非常尽职地为度假者们服务。大名鼎鼎的晚宴即将举办,但船长却拒绝离开他的船舱。当暴风雨来临并危及乘客的舒适体验时,事情发生了意想不到的转变,平衡被打破……