搜索 Joaquin

  • Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental illness that he is desperate to keep hidden. When his bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of silence, he begins exhibiting unexplainable symptoms. After an injury at work, he starts losing functioning of his arms, and something sinister lurks in the corner of his vision a silent and ominous man in a wolf costume. Will spirals into an obsession, determined to solve this mystery of his own. What is going on with his arms Can he trust his boyfriend Is he becoming his mother
  • Study referred to the monoculture in Central America, and especially in Nicaragua, as in family farming for the farmers is altered, along with their lives, with the arrival of the agro-industrial corporations.
  •   马提亚斯(Ignacio Rogers 饰)和杰罗尼莫(Esteban Masturini 饰)是青梅竹马的邻居加好友,两人之间的感情非常的要好。随着年龄的增长,性方面渐渐觉醒的两人最终发生了逾越了友谊的关系,当这段关系被家长们发现后,马提亚斯的父亲带着儿子离开了小镇,马提亚斯和杰罗尼莫之后再也没有联系过。  一晃眼十年过去了,马提亚斯早就经历了社会的“改造”,成为了普世意义中的“正常人”,不仅如此,他还结交了一位漂亮的女朋友。这一天,他带着女友重新返回故乡小镇参加嘉年华活动,哪知道在这里,他和杰罗尼莫重逢了。压抑已久的感情火山般的爆发了。
  •   一个即将死去的18岁孤儿少女想要去欧洲寻找她的亲生母亲,当她遇到一个因为一场致命事故而深感内疚的善良年轻人时,她说服他一起踏上旅程。
  • 一对死党护送公司老板,亦即其中一人的老爸回家,却在汽车后备箱发现意料外的突发状况;另一方面,一名商人与他的合作伙伴为解决债务问题决定实施一场绑架,不幸的是阴差阳错之下绑架了自己的父亲。一系列乌龙事件将素不相识的两方牵扯到一起……