搜索 Fitz

  • 喬瑟夫斯蒂德曼(羅艾爾達德 飾)是一位家庭生活失意、和女兒感情產生裂痕的中年男子,某天他被一位喪心病狂的科學家綁架後強制作為實驗對象,未料實驗結果卻讓他意外擁有了毀滅性的強大超能力。此時,宇宙的伽馬射線爆發為地球帶來致命的巨大威脅,地球上的人類無力守住家園,喬瑟夫決定用他的超能力拯救最摯愛的女兒與全世界,殊不知這個超能力不只能夠拯救地球,也足以摧毀地球……。
  •   About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took Ellie. She discovers that a physicist and occultist called John Fetherston, who was obsessed with finding the 11th dimension, built the house and engraved sinister equations on the 10 steps leading into the cellar. Finally, Keira must battle with the universe’s most ancient evil, or lose her family’s souls forever.
  • 《小医生》是依据迪特里希·格吕纳麦耶教授(Dietrich Gr?nemeyer)的同名儿童读物改编,讲述了小医生的探险之旅。纳诺姐弟自幼失去父母,是爷爷奶奶带他们长大。爷爷山迪是园艺工人,在斯诺特教授实验室工作。斯诺特教授运用剽窃的缩微技术,可以将机器人缩小到纳米级别,植入人体后可以控制人类大脑。他借为山迪医治腰伤机会,将机器人植入山迪体内。恰好被来找爷爷的纳诺撞见......纳诺的同学莉莉请求纳诺帮忙复习生物课,他们发现爷爷行为怪异......
  •   由《权力的游戏》 中 “红毒蛇”奥柏伦马泰尔的演员Pedro Pascal主演的喜剧恐怖电影  An action-packed horror comedy, Bloodsucking Bastards stars Fran Kranz as Evan, a dutiful and overworked employee stuck at a soul-killi ng corporation with his beautiful co-worker and girlfriend Amanda (Emma Fitzpatrick) and his slacker best friend Tim (Joey Kern).  Evans world begins to crumble when Amanda dumps him and his boss Ted (Joel Murray) hands his coveted promotion to his nemesis Max (Pedro Pascal). When his office mates start going through disturbing changes, Evan must find a way to stop the evil brewing admist the cubicles, and rescue his workplace pals before his life and career go from dead-end... to just dead.
  • When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.