搜索 Ely

  • A struggling fashion designer takes on a job working as a personal shopper for a successful erotic novelist. Things get steamy between them, but soon they will be confronted by someone who knows about their affair and wants to stop it.
  •   Maddie (Alexa Barajas, YELLOWJACKETS, THE FLASH) is in trouble. She’s been in an accident, and her politician mother can’t have her careless daughter destroying the reputation she’s built, so she sends Maddie to a safe house — a state-of-the-art domicile boasting a fully operational AI system called ROMI. Hertig (Pavel Kríz, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL), the property manager and owner, gives Maddie a tour of her new digs, complete with every convenience brought to her by ROMI. He’s a bit strange, and she’s wary of him, but there’s also the awkwardly charming A.I. tech Barkley (Juan Reidinger, CLAWS, RICEBOY SLEEPS), whose genius built the artificial assistant from the ground up. Despite the occasional company, Maddie is scared she’ll be arrested and feels quite alone… and there’s something not quite right with ROMI. What lies ahead becomes an unsettling mystery for her, and surviving this lockdown instead of going to jail becomes her top priority.
  • 由“Vidmark"电影公司出品,斯蒂芬.诺林顿执导。2003年的未来世界,由一个冷酷无情的首领利用先进武器所统治,他拥有一个庞大集团专门生产先进武器,而该集团的总裁尼高逊突然暴毙,死因不明,且死状恐怖,于是神秘女子卡莉接任总裁一职。卡莉上任不久,立即与首领对抗,面对着首领设计的杀人武器——杀神十号展开一场龙争虎斗。本片是带有一点科幻性质的惊险动作片,全片故事情节安排合理,特技拍摄也恰到好处。
  • After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaining reputation by parenting her independent daughter, whom she must seek shelter from in the U.S. with her son's two unmanageable adolescents.
  •   分开一年之后,Deborah Vance(珍·斯马特 Jean Smart 饰)因其单口特辑的成功而如日中天,而Ava(汉娜·爱宾德 Hannah Einbinder 饰)则在洛杉矶寻找新的事业机会。