搜索 Dustin

  •   反对Salem的盟军比以往任何时候都需要团结起来。 但是在Ironwood拒绝继续疏散Mantle之后,我们的英雄们需要选择一条新的前进道路-只要他们能达成共识
  • 加州海岸一直都存在着两只巨大史前海洋生物,他们为了取得海洋的霸主地位而争斗了数百年,直到有一天他们被冰河所冻结。近年来,随着气温的升高,这两只史前生物又复活了,他们在海洋中依然为所欲为,人类的生存受到了威胁,人类必须要解决这样的危机,一场人与史前生物的惨烈争斗开始了。
  • Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drifter who challenges his life philosophy. Nicholas changes his outlook, loses everything... then decides to get it back..
  • When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for retribution. After killing the street thug who was directly responsible for her death, he finds himself in the middle of a war with the thug's brother, Rory Fetter, and his gang, who are equally hell-bent on getting even for their ...
  • 距今50多年前,一艘来自赛博坦的飞船坠落月球,由此引发了美苏两国的太空竞赛。人类争相登上月球,只为一探飞船残骸中的秘密。时间回到21世纪初,经过几番征战,汽车人终于挫败霸天虎的入侵,继而与人类合作,共同保卫美丽的地球。然而发生在切尔诺贝利的事件却将尘封已久的月球计划重新摆到桌面。为了防止霸天虎找到能量柱为非作歹,擎天柱与战友飞赴月球,更从当年的飞船中救出了汽车人的先代领导者——御天敌。御天敌是能量柱的发明者,将上百根能量柱集合在一起便可制造太空桥,实现物质的瞬间传送。  忙着找工作以及和女友卡莉(罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 饰)经营爱情的山姆(希亚·拉博夫 Shia LaBeouf 饰)无可避免地卷入其中,他渐渐发现霸天虎的操纵一切的阴谋,却不知更大的阴谋和危机隐藏在那月影背后……