搜索 Celeste

  •   消防员从一家被大火烧毁的“虚拟空间工厂”的废墟里救出了身受重伤的乔布,此时的他处于奄奄一息的状况之下,并且失去了过去的所有记忆,由于过度烧伤,医生还对他进行了整容手术,醒来后的乔布已经完全失去了从前的面貌。但沃克带领的正从事虚拟空间研究的“虚拟空间研究所”却已经暗中盯上了乔布,他们对乔布进行了虚拟现实实验,以此来帮助他重建了思想,最终借助他的力量来实现不可告人的目的。  时间来到未来的洛杉矶。彼得和特拉维斯、哈维、肖恩等几个小伙伴住在城市地下的隧道里,过着流浪的生活,几个人都酷爱网络虚拟游戏,在一次进入虚拟空间时,彼得竟然遇到了乔布,两人相见甚欢,乔布告诉彼得自己被困在了虚拟空间,而网络虚拟空间即将毁灭,他也会随之消失,只有一个叫本杰明?特雷斯的人能够救他,恳求彼得帮他找到特雷斯并将他带到虚拟空间里。彼得一口答应,但找到特雷斯后却发现那是个十足的怪人,他隐居在人迹罕至的戈壁,对陌生的彼得并不友好。直到彼得提到奇容芯片的事,他才答应前往
  • Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as "626" searches for her true identity while protecting a teenage girl who shares her superhuman abilities; but when 626 uncovers the horrifying truth about her past, she must infiltrate enemy headquarters to expose a corporate conspiracy that threatens the free world,bef...
  •   职业罪犯小吉尔伯特·加尔文(杜哈明饰)从美国监狱逃出并越过边境进入加拿大,在加拿大,他化名为罗伯特·怀特曼,有了新的身份。在坠入爱河并结婚后,他声称接受了一份旅行安全顾问的工作,但他大胆的犯罪行为仍在继续。在他向终身黑帮成员汤米(吉布森)寻求投资后,他的事业变得更加复杂,他卷入了加拿大历史上最大的抢劫案,这使他成为跨国追捕的核心人物。
  • Marley Morrison’s knockout debut feature is a sharply observed coming-of-age story that will make you wince and laugh in painful recognition of universal truths. 17-year-old AJ (Nell Barlow) is not one of life’s shiny, happy people. A family holiday at a caravan park in Dorset is her idea of hell. A moody misfit, she dresses for concealment and lets everyone know that she would rather be anywhere else. Then she spies flirty, free-spirited lifeguard Isla (Ella-Rae Smith) who might just be the girl of her dreams. Can AJ dare to take a first step on the road to happiness
  •   Sent to spend the summer on a remote and mysterious island, teenage brothers embark on a thrilling treasure hunt to restore their family's lost fortune.